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Does anyone know....

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Yes. In order to break in to Vogga's Horde, you have to pour some Juma Juice (which you can get from the cantina) into the urn, and when they drink it, they'll fall asleep. You also have to get either yourself (if female) or the Handmaiden to dance for Vogga, which will put him to sleep. Once they're all asleep, you can break into the horde and steal whatever is in there (including a piece that is required for building a lightsaber).


But before you do any of this, you have to go to the Flophouse, open the first door you come to, go into stealth mode, and listen to the converstaion between the Gran and the Aqualish.

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"danceable" females = Handmaiden, Mira, Exile(wangless one)


Yes, it is unfortunate that you don't get to see Visas dance, cause checking out on her tatts and cuts would be fun and what not.


And yes, Hot Kreia is not going to strip either, too bad.

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