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Player back for more, has a couple of simple questions


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I'm back to SWG after almost a two year hiatus and alot has changed! I'm doing the proper research to get caught up but having some problems finding some things and I have a few basic questions.


First, it used to be that once you started on the path of becoming a pilot, you trained with one trainer, then they sent you on to another trainer. I trained with the first trainer but beyond that I'm only offered duty missions, am I missing something?


Second, I'm not really getting the whole Expertise thing. Can someone break it down in a simple form for me so I understand what it is in a general way?


Finally, I seemed to recall watchinga video released on the internet a while back, that included footage of the ability to use Capital ships in SWG. I've googled the heck out of it trying to find anything on this since then and can't find anything. What happened with this?

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Guest DarthMaulUK

1) - You can still do pilot. You are still sent from trainer to trainer.

2) - You can learn alot about the professions in our site http://www.swgalaxies.net/professions - Theres also a guide about Expertise in this forum. 'Returning to Galaxies' guide there and http://www.swgalaxies.net/playerguides/ has alot of help


3) No capital ships just yet and there's still no plans to release that just yet.

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weird, what do you have to do to get sent to the next trainer? Right now I'm not being sent on any specific quests and she's only offering me duty missions.


am I completely off my rocker about the capital ship thing? I could have swore there was video of it in developement.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

you need to do these missions. when you reach the end, you will then be sent to another trainer.

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Rogue15 yeah, that's the one. I found it here: http://swvault.ign.com/View.php?view=Movies.List&category_select_id=4


I guess he says 'proof of concept' in the video so maybe it was never intended, who knows. It's too bad, looked like it would have been fun.


DM/UK - just to clarify, I have to do the duty missions before she will send me on to the nect trainer? I thought duty missions were just extra missions you can pick up to fill time?

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well as far as i know they are kinda required...i was stuck with a certain trainer whose name i cannot mention ( ;) ) for a loooooong time, completed one of the main missions, then was told i needed to do more duty missions, etc. before i could advance.

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