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[FIC] Never Blind in the Force

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Thanks, Rev7, JediMaster12 and Padme!


The Sith might have some vendetta against Cade. Some of them probably inspired the Sith teachings and some of them might've turned against the Jedi. But yeah...


And as for Zane and his mother? It was good that Lyna got to see her son as a good-hearted teenager. It's also good that any teenager would dream to have a special gift from the heart.

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Chapter 14


Antares and Ganner flew in the Imperial shuttle down to the Underworld. When they got there, the two Imperial Knights got out of the shuttle and looked around. The place looked horrible.


"Sheesh! No wonder they call it the 'Underworld'!" Ganner said. "This place is creepy as it is."


Antares calmed his old friend down. "We'll be fine, Ganner. Just... stick close. You may never know what's going to happen."


Ganner nodded once. "Right."


They continued to walk out of the docking bay, searching for the Jedi that Marasiah told them to bring back to the Imperial Palace.



* * *



Zane sat up, staring ahead. He was amazed that he heard his mother's voice. "Mom? Is... is that really you?"


Lyna smiled and answered, "Yes. I wanted to see you again. It's been so long. How's your father?"


"Good... I guess." Zane glanced down, wondering how is mother died. He wanted to know so much about her. But the main question was on how she died. He glanced up again. "Mom? How... did you die?"


The question stung Lyna's heart. She looked down. "I died from a terrible fever. When I was young, the Jedi had a mission on Mustafar. We had to search for a lost holocron there. All of a sudden, the heat was getting to me, and I couldn't take it no longer. Of course, we left you back at Ossus with Master Sazen.


Since then, my body temperature began to rise, and I grew very sick. Cade vowed to stay by my side until I was better. I spent four days in bed, trying to recover. I told the Jedi Healers that I would be fine... even Cade.


When I saw you come in the bed with me, I took you in my arms. I can never forget the day I saw your precious face for the last time..."


Zane sat by his mother's chest, resting his head. As the little boy sat quietly, Lyna smiled weakly.


"My little sweet Zane. I've got something to tell you, sweetie... in case I pass on." Lyna closed her eyes and sighed. "If mommy goes away... promise me that you'll be strong in the Force. Have faith and hope for the future. And... take care of your dad for me. I know you're blind... but you're never blind in the Force."


Zane giggled, as he hugged his mother.


Lyna looked at Zane, and smiled. Tears came out from her blue eyes. She added, "I love you and Cade. May the Force be with the both of you."


Lyna glanced up, and shook her head. "And on the fifth day... I passed away." She looked at Zane. "I never wanted to leave you and your father, Zane. But even if I was gone... I'd still be in your hearts."


Zane understood now. Even though his mother was gone... she would always be in their thoughts and hearts. He grinned. "I know, Mom. But everytime I mention you, Dad gets angry with me. It's like... he's hurt without you."


The Force ghost of Lyna sadly looked at Zane. Then she replied, "Zane? Even if I'm not here, your father still loves you. I know he has doubts about you becoming a Jedi Knight... but I believe in you. We all believe in you. If you keep moving on, things will be better for the future."


Zane's grey eyes brightened. "Thanks, Mom. I'll remember that. And thanks for coming to visit."


"You're welcome, Zane. I must go now. But never forget that the Force is with you. I love you guys. And may the Force be with you... always." And with that, Lyna faded away.


Tears fell from Zane's eyes. He whispered, "And you too, Mom."




* * *



Back at the buliding, where all the Sith were gathered, Atrocious sat in his well decorated room alone, waiting for his son to come back again.


Suddenly, he saw the two Sith bodyguards. They looked worried as ever.


Atrocious stood up. "Well? Why isn't my son with you?"


The two slowly looked at each. Then back at the Dark Lord. "Um... Jazk is... well... we..."


"Spit it out!" Atrocious shouted.


The other Sith started to panic. "We lost him!! We lost Jazk, and we're really sorry! Please! Mercy, my lord!"


Atrocious became furious at these words. He couldn't believe that his son was lost in a disgracful place like the Underworld!


He walked towards the two Sith, and Force choked them. "I want my son found. Find him... or I'll have your heads!" He released them.


They coughed, and staggered back on their feet. "Y-Yes, my lord. As you wish." They ran out of the throneroom.


Atrocious walked towards his huge window view, and closed his eyes. "Jazk. Do not worry, my son. We will find you. You are next in line for the leadership of the Sith Order. We will find you."


He opened his eyes, glaring at the view of Coruscant.

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That was a good chapter and you did make good on your promise that you would explain about Zane's mother's death. It provided a tender moment in the story and in a way served more as a realization that while things seem bad, you can be strong enough to keep going.

With Cade's character I can see something that a lot of shrinks call the greiving process. First is the shock, then the sorrow. The next is anger. While Cade may not admit it, he is angry at Lyna for leaving him. He may say she didn't leave him but that she died but in a sense he is feeling that she left him. A nice job in showing that. Some people stay in the sorrow level but Cade is angry and it transcends into worry for his son. He feels that he is the only tie to Lyna.

Eh just me rambling a bit but that is what I saw and you did a nice job in portraying that. he complexity of the emotions involved is well thought out. Keep it up.

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Thanks, guys! And you made a good point there, JediMaster12. Cade seemed angry with Lyna for leaving him. That's why he wants to protect his son. But thanks anyway! :)


Chapter 15


Cade sat in his meditation room, focusing on the Force. He tried everything in his power to forget the image of his wife... Lyna Honso. That beautiful face... taunted his memories. Her gentle eyes filled with love, kindness, sadness.


R2-D2 came in and whistled to his owner, trying to tell him something. Cade opened his eyes, but remained seated.


He looked at the little astromech droid and asked, "What is it, R2?"


R2 beeped, saying that they were almost at Coruscant.


Cade sighed. "Thanks for the news flash. Now get out. I've gotta meditate."


As the little droid wheeled out of the room, he beeped an insult to Cade. Cade stood up, glaring at R2. "What'd you call me, bucket-head?!"


The door slid shut. "I didn't think so."


Suddenly, Cade heard a voice. "You're still the same as always."


When Cade turned around, he couldn't believe his eyes. It was Lyna, his beloved wife.


Lyna smiled. It's been a long time since she had been with Cade. To her, he was still the same rebellious and handsome man she once knew. "Hello, Cade."


Cade shook his head. "It... it can't be..." He came closer to the female Force ghost. "Lyna?"


"Oh, Cade. I've missed you so much. I wanted to see you again... after..."


Cade glanced down, glaring silently. "After you left my son and I."


Lyna shook her head. "No. I never wanted to leave you nor Zane. I still love you... even if I'm not here."


Cade turned his back angrily. "Kark that! If you loved us, why'd you have to die? Why leave a son that you cared for so much? It's all wrong! It reminded me of the Massacre, after my father was killed by Nihl! It's like..."


He tried to hide the tears. "My family's torn apart." Suddenly, to Lyna's amaze, Cade started to cry. The sight of Cade crying made Lyna feel worse. He was right. It was wrong that she left the man she loved and her son.


Lyna walked by Cade's side. "Don't cry, my dear. When I visited Zane, he understood why I left."


Cade shot his head up, tears covering his eyes. "You saw Zane?"


"Yep. Before I came here." Lyna sighed gently. Then, through her soft-spoken voice, she said, "Cade... it's good that you're worried about our son because of me... but sometimes you have to let go of your worries and cares for Zane. He loves you... no matter what."


Cade wiped his tears. All of a sudden, he grinned. "You know, sweetie? Zane reminds me of you. Kind, thoughtful, and brave. You both are the greatest gifts to me. When I was near the dark side, you came and saved me. I'll never forget the day you told me your feelings."


Lyna felt like hugging and kissing her husband. But alas, she couldn't. The female Force ghost smiled. "Cade, I'm glad we talked things over. But remember: the reason why I died was that you could focus on saving the Galaxy again. There are bigger things going on than me."


She smiled, looking into Cade's eyes. Then she added, "Make sure that Zane gets home safely. And always have faith in him. He maybe blind... but the Force is always strong in him, no matter the circumstances."


Cade grinned. "Thanks, Lyna. I really love you." He desperately wished that he could kiss her warm lips again. Lyna was all that he had. She and their son.


Lyna stepped back. "The Force is calling me, Cade. I will be watching over you and Zane. I love you both... and may the Force be with you, my love." After that, Lyna faded away.


Cade sat back down on his meditation point, covering his eyes, trying to fight the tears. "I promise you, Lyna... I'll bring our son back... and make him a great Jedi Knight. I have faith in him."



* * *


Zane stood on the balcony of the second floor room, and looked up. It was night in Coruscant, and all the people on the streets started to find shelter quick. Being in the Underworld at night time was more dangerous than daytime. But Zane took care of himself... and his friends.


Suddenly, he heard someone walk in. "Hello?" The soft voice belonged to Amora.


Zane turned around and smiled. "Oh. Out here, Amora."


The young teenage girl walked by Zane's side. "Hey. Everything okay?" She rested her head on his shoulder.


"Yeah. But... my mom came to me. As a Force ghost." Zane sighed. He really wished that Lyna stayed. But he understood that she had to leave... again.


Amora glanced at Zane, and asked, "Your mother came? As a Force ghost? Whoa."


Zane chuckled. "Yep. But now I'm wondering... what the kriff am I suppose to do now? What can I do to prove my dad that I'm strong in the Force?" He sighed and looked down. "Maybe... maybe I should just quit."


The young girl could not believe what she just heard. After all they've been through, Amora still had hope for Zane.


She placed her hand on his cheek, and gently turned his face towards her direction. "Now you listen to me. You're blind. Yes. You're a kid. Yes. But give up, while you still have the chance to find your destiny? Never. Zane, you gotta keep up the good fight, whether you like it or not."


Amora grinned. "We're believing in you. I'm believing in you."


Suddenly, Zane felt a soft, warm lips on his. He closed his eyes, feeling a lot better.


When the kiss was over, Amora smiled. "Keep up the good fight," she whispered. Both teenagers looked up, feeling that things would be better for the future.



* * *


Jazk walked down the streets of the Underworld, worried and afraid. He wondered if his dad and the others were looking for him. Although he was an eleven year old learning the Sith ways, Jazk was scared of being by himself. Everything was different down in the cruel Underworld of Coruscant.


Suddenly, Jazk heard his father's voice. "Jazk. Do not worry, my son. We will find you. You are next in line for the leadership of the Sith Order. We will find you."


"Daddy? Dad, where are you?!" He ran, looking everywhere he could for his dad. All species passed him, not caring for the little boy. Some looked at him, as if he was lost.


Jazk stopped by a wall, and cried. "Daddy. I wanna... go home." As he cried, he looked up. There was a little inn, up ahead. It looked like a nice place to stay at.


The young boy placed his lightsaber close to his hip. Good thing he had credits with him to carry on the way. With no other choice, Jazk walked towards the inn.

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That was another equally nice chapter that you wrote. I see that you followed the train of thought regarding Cade's anger that Lyna left him when she died. He is glad to see her but he is still angry. He has this feeling of betrayal since she left him or died. True he was soothed somewhat when she said that she didn't want to leave them and she had seen Zane but it is going to have to take a great act for Cade to move past it. Of course there is no prescribed time limit to the grieving process. Some people move from shock to anger of they are angry and go to sorrow. It goes both ways. Also maybe his being paired up with his mother Morrigan might help in his acceptance of Lyna's passing.


That part where Zane gets kissed, I would have drawn it out more by describing what he felt. You mentioned warm and that was good. Some men describe a flavor like cinamon or peppermints, something like that. Maybe he smelled a perfume on her. Remember Zane is blind so he is going to see the world in a whole different way. His other senses become his eyes. It is interesting when you impair one of your senses to see what a blind man sees. If you gave some more life to that moment when they kissed, it would be an experience since I am operating under the impression that Zane has never been kissed in that manner before.


As to the little Sith wannabe, I like how you show his fear of being alone. I don't quite remember if his father left him there or if he ran away but the fear of being lost and alone is very strong here. Perhaps it is a means of bringing the boy to the dark side since fear, anger and agression are a way to the dark side.


One thing that does seem out of place is R2-D2. I am not quite sure of the timeline but that would make the astromech rather getting on in age. I don't know about the life expectancy of a droid but I hope this issue is resolved. It was nice seeing my favorite astro droid in cameo. Interesting setting and I am glad to be reading this.

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Aw, Thanks! And yeah... R2 is a tough little droid. I just wanted to use him because to me, he's a great help for the story. But thank you all again.


Chapter 16


Atrocious sat on his seat, looking at the city of Coruscant. Having his son lost in a place like the Underworld, Atrocious worried for Jazk. What if something happened to him? What if he got hurt? Haunting questions stirred in his mind, as he closed his eyes tightly.


The Dark Lord got up from his seat, and went to his desk, where Krayt's holocron sat on. Atrocious picked it up, and sighed.


"Lord Krayt. I summon you to help me!"


The blue image of Darth Krayt shot out from his holocron, glaring down at Atrocious. "What is it you want?" Krayt asked.


Atrocious bowed. ;My lord. I must ask you something important."




"My son is lost in the Underworld. What should I do? He probably ran away on accident, trying to find something to do, I think. But I just don't want anything to happen to Jazk."


Krayt raised an eyebrow through is mask. He thought about what his apprentice had asked him... about his son. Then he smiled coldly. ;Your son should understand the ways of the Dark Side. I can feel that he's afraid. That's good. Fear is part of the Dark Side."


Atrocious glanced up at Krayt. If Jazk could learn more of the Dark Side, that would be an opportunity for him to become a great Sith apprentice.


"When the other Sith followers find him," Krayt added, "He will embrace the Dark Side of the Force. Give him time to think about it, apprentice." And with that, Krayt faded away in his holocron.


Atrocious placed the holocron back on his desk. Then he glared at the view of Coruscant. "But if Jazk doesn't accept the ways of the Sith, and follow the Jedi... I must end him."


The thought was unbearable for Atrocious. He loved his son. But not if he was a Jedi.



* * *


Marasiah paced back and forth in her room, trying to figure out who the Jedi was. The Force must've called out to her, saying that there was a Jedi nearby.


As she placed a hand on her forehead, Marasiah began to think, closing her eyes. "All right," she thought, "this Jedi is somewhat special. But... what is it that makes me want to see that Jedi?" She sighed.


"Okay. Gotta calm down." She sat on her bed, and lowered her head.


Astraal came in, and looked at Marasiah. "Are you all right, my lady?" She disliked seeing her old friend upset like that. If something ever bothered Marasiah, she would tell Astraal.


Marasiah looked up, and smiled at the Twi'lek. Then answered, "To tell you the truth... no. I keep feeling that a Jedi is nearby. Here on Coruscant. I must find the Jedi, and ask if the Jedi and his companions can ally with the Empire, if we're ever in trouble."


Astraal smiled. "I think that's a good plan. Remember, my lady... patience. Everything will be fine." With that, Astraal left the room.


The Empress grinned. "Thanks, Astraal," she whispered. Then she laid back down in her bed, going to sleep.



* * *


While Amora was in the bathroom, getting ready for bed, Zane sat on his bed, wondering about that kiss Amora gave him. He touched his lips, and smiled warmly.


He'd never been kissed like that before... even from a girl. The kiss was like sweet warm honey to his lips. A kiss that was like breaking a spell. Zane sighed, closing his eyes. Being blind was one thing. Being kissed was another. The world around him began to change for the young man.


Amora was a special young girl to him. An angel sent down from the heavens to guard him through any obstacles. She was a good friend and a good-hearted person. Maybe... she had feelings for him.


Suddenly, he heard the front door open. Mordy, Brock, and Rosy came in with great souvenirs of Coruscant. The three young friends were happy as always.


"Man, that was great!" Mordy said. "This hologram of Coruscant looks freakin' sweet!"


Brock stepped up. "Kriff that! Look at this cool jacket I got. It goes better with my clothes!"


Rosy pulled out a teddy bear, and hugged it. "This little Ewok teddy bear is so cute! I'm glad that I got it."


They all looked at Zane, who was still sitting on the bed, silently. Mordy placed a hand on his best friend's shoulder. "Hey, man. You okay?"


Zane glanced up. "Hm? Oh yeah! I'm fine. Thanks, man."


He kept thinking of Amora. If he had the sight to see, he would see Amora first. To him, she must've been the most beautiful person in the whole Galaxy. And she was. Zane grinned silently to himself.

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Spendid show of what Zane felt after the kiss. It looks as if you put him in a dreamy like state. Well anyone would be if they were kissed like that. Now you gave him a desire with the whole if he could see, the first person he'd want to see was Amora. That was sweet. His friends bursting in with their treasures that they bought was kind of typical with the interrupting of the moment kind of thing and each saying thaat they have the better item. It shows that they still are kids in an adult world.


Atrocious is an unusual Sith Lord. He has affection for his son. It seems strange since most Sith Lords that I have noticed seem devoid of attachments. Almost like there is no one left so screw the galaxy. I find it odd but then maybe Atrocious' final step would be the loss of his son. Much like Anakin with his being afraid to lose everything that he holds dear. It would be very interesting to see how you develop this.


The inserts with the Empress are puzzling in of itself for how would she know if it was a Jedi? For all we know she could have sensed a Sith or someone strong in the Force. Still I am willing to bet that it is either Zane or Jazck that she senses. The little lost boy seems enigmatic but maybe there is something great to come.


Overall you do a very good job holding the suspense of the story. I like your character development and it would be interesting to see where you would take this.

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Thanks, guys. It gets even better... ;)


Chapter 17


After Deliah and Syn were done with their work the next day, they sat down to have a drink. It was so hot, they felt like they were going to die.


Syn sighed. "What a kriffing day! Can't believe we didn't have no vacation! Just work, work, work!" Syn was clearly getting frustrated about his new job. He wished that they would go back being bounty hunters.


Deliah shook her head, and smiled. Then she replied, "Stop complaining, Syn. I'm sure Mr. Ling will give us a vacation."


But as soon as she said that, their Rodian boss came out from the back, dressed up and carrying his two suitcases. "Blue! Syn! I just won 1000 creds for the lottery! So... I'm heading off to Ithor!" He sighed. "I've always wanted to go there. Well! You two can go on ahead and have a vacation."


And with that, Mr. Ling went out the door. Blue and Syn looked at each other. Then grinned.


"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Syn asked.


Deliah nodded her head. "Cade."


They got up, and headed off to the Mynock. It's been a while since they heard from Cade. But it was their chance to see him again.


* * *


Morning came over Coruscant. The sun shone brightly as ever over the gleaming buildings. But down in the Underworld, it still looked like a dark place.


Zane woke up from his sleep, all happy. He stretched his arms out, yarning. When he got up, he tripped.


Amora heard Zane trip on the floor as she woke up. The young girl got up from her bed, and helped him up. "Zane? Are you okay?"


The young man smiled, as his grey eyes twinkled. He replied, "Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks, Amora." He smelled the air. Something smelled delicious. "Mmmmm. What's that great smell?"


"I dunno. Maybe their cooking food for the people at the lobby."


Brock, Mordy, and Rosy got up in a flash. "Food?! Oh boy!" the three shouted. They rushed out the door. "Outta my way, Bothan!" Mordy yelled. "You first, Bantha breath!" Brock said. "Ladies first!" Rosy shouted, cutting in front of the two boys.


Amora, who was still in the room with Zane, shook her head and smiled. "C'mon, Zane. Let's get something to eat." Both teenagers went down to the lobby.


When they got there, Brock, Mordy, and Rosy were already chopping down their food. Zane sensed that his friends were enjoying themselves. Suddenly, he got defocused by Amora's soft-spoken voice.


"I'll help you get something to eat. That okay?" Amora asked.


"Sure. That's fine with me," Zane answered, grinning.


Both teengers went to the food section to gather some breakfast for their plates.


"I wonder what'll happen next..." Zane thought. He hoped that there would be more adventures out there for them to discover. He was eager to learn everything in the outside world.



* * *


Cade went back in the cockpit with his mother and R2-D2. As he sat down, Morrigan looked at him.


What if Cade didn't want to speak to her again? The thought made Morrigan worried. She'd do anything to make him feel better again. She turned back to the view again.


Cade looked at his mother from the corner of his eye. Then he sighed, looking down. "I'm... sorry, for hurting your feelings."


Morrigan glanced at Cade. Then she smiled. "You don't have to apologize, Cade. I understand how you feel."


"Mom... Lyna came to visit me." Cade said, as he continued to glare down.


Morrigan smiled. Finally, his wife came to him. Although she wasn't Force-sensitive, Morrigan always felt Cade's hurt and sorrow. But it was a good thing that Lyna came along as a Force ghost, as the Jedi called them. "That's great, Cade. What did she say?"


Cade slowly looked at Morrigan. Then he answered, "She said that she always loved Zane and I, and would never do anything to hurt us. She also said that I should have faith in our son. I do, mom. But... I'm just angry that Lyna died without saying goodbye to us."


Tears fell from the Jedi Master's eyes. "Help me, mom. You and Zane are the only ones I've got! I don't wanna lose neither one of you! Please! Tell me why she died?"


Morrigan understood Cade's pain. The thought of Lyna dying in her sleep was also painful to the old Imperial agent. Morrigan always thought of Lyna as a good-hearted woman... just like Zane.


She smiled warmly. "I'm not the soft type. But... as a mother, I should help you. The reason why she died was for you to focus on the real situations in the Galaxy. Cade, Lyna loved you and Zane very much... but she wanted you to see that there are many others out there who need help. That was a brave and kind thing Lyna did. Sacrificing herself for others. As a mother... I should know."


Cade was enlightened by Morrigan's words. Lyna did do the right thing. But deep inside, Lyna would always be in his heart. He sighed. "Yeah. I guess you're right. Thanks, mom."


"Anytime, sweetheart."


Suddenly, R2 beeped for their attention. The two looked at the little astromech droid, then at the view. There, up ahead, they could see the planet Coruscant.

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Ok that was a nice contribution to the Cade and Morrigan exchange. I like the fact that Cade apologized for his behavior. At least he realized that he behaved badly. What I think would have gone better is if you put in some lengthy pauses in between especially after Morrigan tells Cade that Lyna did what she had to do for the sake of others. Here I would have made Cade a bit more thoughtful, turning inward to think. The way how Morrigan said it would require some time to think about what is being said. It also would better reflect Cade's character in that he does stop to think about things.It would add the dimension of self realization that he may have been feeling selfish which would better support the whole thing about his not wanting to lose Zane or Morrigan. After the silence he could just say "Thanks Mom" and go back into a thoughtful silence. Again this is a suggestion and would enrich Cade's character and how he starts to realize that things happen for a reason.


Zane's budding feelings for Amora were nicely done. The clumsy approach is always good to work with because he is distracted by her and things can happen. That was well played out and interluded with their friends interrupting with their hungry stomachs. This would be a good character building as well.


It was a nice chapter. Again I think there are some things that could be changed if only to flush out the characters more. The plot is developing nicely and it would be interesting to see where you take it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

'Zamora' sounds like a great name for a girl. :lol:


Chapter 18


While the five teenage friends ate breakfast together at their table, Jazk came downstairs towards the lobby. The little boy looked over at the delicious food and beverages at the side.


Suddenly, his stomach started to growl. He was really hungry.


Jazk went over to the food section, and stuffed his plate with all sorts of food.

After he was done, he sat at a table, behind Zane and his friends. He could hear their conversation, and listened very closely.


"So!" Mordy said, clapping his hands together. "Where do we go after this?"


Zane grinned. "Glad you asked, Mordy. After we leave from here, we could go see the rest of Coruscant, and see if anyone needs help here? I mean, c'mon. We are Jedi, right?"


And from the moment he heard the word 'Jedi', young Jazk's eyes widened. His father was a Sith, and Sith hated the Jedi. What if he brought these Jedi down, and honor his father? That sounded like a good idea.


Jazk jumped up from his table, back flipped in the air, and landed on the floor by the teenage friends table. "All right, Jedi scums!" Jazk said, pulling out his lightsaber. "Prepare to meet your doom!"


Suddenly, a rushing waiter accidently bumped into the young boy. Jazk lost balance, and fell into thorny roses that hurted his arm. He began to cry. "Aaaah! Help me!"


Zane and his friends got up, and went over to Jazk. Amora gently helped Jazk out of the little thorny rose garden, and looked at his right arm. It was bleeding.


"Oooh. It's pretty bad," Amora said.


Zane came by Jazk's side, and used the Force to sense where the wound hurted. He then placed his hand over the wound, using the Force to heal it. After the healing, Jazk's arm was all better.


The young boy touched his arm, and looked up at the five teenagers. "W-why did you help me?"


"Because we felt that it was the right thing to do," Rosy answered.


"But... but I'm learning the ways of the Dark Side."


Zane smiled. "Kid. Whether you're learning the Dark or Light Side of the Force... everyone needs a helping hand."


Jazk smiled. "Well... thanks. I guess." He began to walk away. Why did they help? Even if he was a learning the Sith ways, those Jedi padawans helped him. Jazk sighed.


"Hey? Where you gonna go?" Amora called to Jazk.


Jazk turned back. "Anywhere but here."


When he went out the door, the five looked at each other. Brock sighed. "Maybe we should look after him. I mean, look. The kid looks lost out here. Besides, it's not safe for him to be out there."


Zane nodded. "You're right. Let's go after him." They went out the door, and finally caught up with the little boy.


Jazk stopped, and turned to them. "What now?"


"Look," Zane replied, "maybe we can help you. Are you lost?"


"I can take care of myself! Just... leave me alone!" But as soon as he turned around, Amora came in front of him.


She smiled warmly at him, as she knelt down. Looking straight into his eyes, Amora said, "You're right. Maybe you don't want any help. But what if something happened to you? You look like a sweet little boy... and I wouldn't like to see you get hurt. What do you say we help? Hmm?"


Jazk thought about it. Seeing Amora's eyes made him feel all better. Plus, he liked the way she looked. "Hmmm. Well... if you say so. But if we have any problems..."


The young teenaged girl smiled. "We won't." When Amora held his hand, Jazk smiled sheepishly. "By the way, you're pretty."


"Why thank you!" Amora replied.


When Zane heard that, he became a little jealous. Hearing those words from a little boy, especially when he's learning the Dark Side, surprised Zane. He wanted to make sure that nothing fishy happened between Amora and Jazk.


Mordy could see the look. "Uh-oh. Someone looks green." He chuckled.


"Get outta town, man!" Zane said, grinning. "I ain't jealous." Then he turned to everyone else. "Come on, guys. Let's check out of this inn, shall we?"


After that said, Zane and the others went back into the inn to gather their things and check out.



* * *



Marasiah sat at her table of the dining hall, waiting for breakfast patiently. Wondering about the murmur in the Force, was that, by any chance, a Sith or Jedi? If it was a Jedi, things might be good. But if it was a Sith... trouble was about to emerge.


She sighed, and placed her hands on her forehead, looking down. After being in deep thought, the food came out. The servants placed the wonderful food on the table, all for Marasiah.


Astraal came by her side, and smiled. "Feeling better now?"


Marasiah grinned, and answered, "Yes. A little." She drunk a sip of blue milk. After she placed her cup on the table, Marasiah turned to Astraal, sadly.


"I miss dad," she said. Although she became Empress, Marasiah always thought that her father was a great man. But sometimes, he refused on a few things. Marasiah sighed.


The female Twi'lek smiled down at her old friend. "Do not worry, my lady. From the way I see it... you're doing the right thing for your father." Astraal nodded her head. "I miss him too."


Marasiah smiled. It was always good to have Astraal with her. "I appreciate you helping me through many obstacles, Astraal."


"Don't worry. I'd never let anything happen to you."


"Thank you." And with that, Marasiah continued to eat her breakfast. But that murmur in the Force kept haunting her mind...



* * *



Renu, the man who attempted to fight Zane, was pushed against the wall by Antares. The Imperial Guard glared at him.


"Now I'm going to ask you again, and ask nicely..." He pulled out his lightsaber, and ignited the silver blade. "Did you see a Jedi or not?!"


Renu was too scared of Antares' lightsaber. "Look man! I told you before... I don't know where any Jedi are at!"


Ganner stepped up, and replied, "You refused to tell us. That's why you're frightened by my friend's weapon. We are not Jedi, however. We're Imperial Knights."


"Imperial Knights?" Renu asked. "Okay! I'll tell you what I know. There was a young blonde kid, along with four friends. One's a Human girl, one's a Zabrak, the other a blue Twi'lek, and the last one, a Bothan. But the Human blonde kid... he's blind! To my surprise... he fights good! It's the truth!"


Antares glared at the scum. Then threw him down on the ground. "Thank you. Here. Go buy yourself something." He threw down a few credits towards Renu. "Now get out of my sight."


The Human thug picked up the small credit bag, ran for his life, not looking back. Ganner came to Antares' side, continuing to walk. "What if he's lying?"


"If we don't find this 'Blind Boy', I'll deal with that scum myself. Anything that Sia needs, she must have. We can't fail her."


The two Imperial Guards continued to walk down the street. When they saw a small inn, they glanced at each other.


"Let's look there," Ganner said. The two proceeded towards the small inn.

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Ok I am a little lost. How old is Jazk? I was under the impression that he may be eight or nine years old. Amora and Zane and the others are teenagers, about to be knights so that puts them around seventeen. I find it hard to believe that Zane would be that jealous of someone so young. It didn't really quite ring true for me on that part.


On the second section with the Empress and her aide I like how you continue this mysterious persona of her seeking out whether it was a Jedi or a Sith. You are not quite sure of her intentions but you do feel some sympathy for her. I am curious as to exactly what her role is in this story. It will be interesting to find out.


The last section a nice interlude and reminds the reader that Zane and his friends are being followed. Somehow though it makes me wonder if those two are related to the Empress. Every tiem I see Empress, I am thinking the Empire from films 4-6. So I am not clear if the Empire in this is a good thing or a bad thing. Perhaps it would be a good idea for you to clarify that in later chapters unless it is intended to be a big revelation.


Good flow and timely breaks for the different sections. You have improved on conversational breaks and so forth. Good job and I look forward to more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks, JediMaster12! Jazk is about 11-years-old, while the others are teenagers. Like Anakin and Padme, when they were kids, Anakin liked Padme. :lol:


Chapter 19


As the ship landed on the platform of a tall building, Cade and Morrigan walked down the ramp. Although he'd been to Coruscant many times, the view was still amazing from the upper levels.


"So! Where do we start?" Morrigan asked, walking beside Cade.


Cade shrugged, wondering where they would start first. Then he grinned. "Let's go to the Underworld. I'm sure we'll probably find him there."


Artoo wanted to come along, but Cade gestured him to go back. "Stay with the ship, Artoo." When the little astromech droid got back on Morrigan's ship, the ramp slid back in, and the door closed.


Morrigan walked towards the elevator with Cade. If they found Zane and his friends, she hoped that Cade wouldn't yell at him for running away. She knew it was a foolish thing to do... but as a grandmother, she felt Zane's eagerness... to explore the world outside.


"Let's check at Jool's place. We might find them there," Cade said quietly. He didn't want to say much to Morrigan, because of somethings in the past. She also reminded him of... Lyna. Giving advices and trying to do the right thing.


Morrigan shrugged, and looked down. Then she quietly replied, "Fine by me." She knew that Cade was probably unsure of her still, but Morrigan tried her best to become real close to her long-lost son.


As they got on the elevator and went down, Cade stared at the view of Coruscant. Somehow... he was going to find Zane. If anything stood in his way... he'd deal with any obstacles.


Cade looked at his prosthetic hand. It was covered with a black glove, just like his ancestor, Luke Skywalker. Darth Nihl and him were in a duel, when he and a few friends were trying to rescue Lyna from a circus, run by the evil ringleader Bonty Zam. Nihl cut off his hand during the duel. But now that his old enemy was dead, Cade didn't worry about him no more.


* * *


Once Zane and the others had their things, they started to leave the inn when suddenly...


"Halt! In the name of the Sith!" It was the two bodyguards of Jazk.


Jazk sighed. "You guys again? Why don't you go jump over a building or something?"


The first Sith glared down at him. "Your father wants you back. And you're coming back!" He grabbed Jazk, and they were headed out.


"Let him go!" Rosy shouted. She ignited her lightsaber. As did the others.


The two Sith bodyguards were astounded when they saw their lightsabers. They were Jedi! One of them ignited his red bladed lightsaber, while the other held on the Jazk. "I'll deal with them myself."


But before he could strike at the young teenagers, a lightsaber cut his arm off from the other side. The Sith yelled in agony and looked at his side. It was Antares Draco. "I'd leave these children alone, if I were you."


The other Sith threw Jazk down, and charged at Draco. But only to find a lightsaber through his chest. As the Sith fell, Ganner Krieg stepped up. "What should we do with this one, Antares?"


Antares glanced down at the Sith. Then he glared. "Go. And never come here again." The Sith got up, and ran for his life.


Kreig walked by his side. "Why let him go? He might--"


"Don't worry. I'm sure he'll be dealt with personally." He turned, and looked at Zane and the others. "So. You are the young Jedi padawans my Empress sensed. Interesting..."


Zane felt through the Force that these men were Imperial Knights. He motioned Jazk and the others to get behind him. "We thank you for helping us. But what do you want?"


Antares smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know. Our Empress, Marasiah Fel, wants to see you. Seems like you six are the ones. Now come. We must leave."


When the two men and the kids left the inn, Amora stayed by Zane's side, making sure nothing happened to him. "You think we should trust them?" she whispered.


Zane's eyes looked ahead, as he grinned. "Don't worry, Amora. I'm sure we can trust them. But if they do anything suspicious... we'll deal with them."


The group went inside the Imperial Shuttle in the Docking Bay. Then, they blasted off towards the Imperial Palace.


* * *


Atrocious stood by the large window, staring at Coruscant. If anything happened to Jazk, he'd never forgive himself. The thought haunted him as he thought of the next heir of ruling the Galaxy.


Suddenly, the Sith bodyguard came through the large entrance door to Atrocious' room. "My lord!"


The Dark Lord of the Sith turned, and glared at the Sith who lost his his son. "Well? Did you find him?"


The Sith guard bowed fearfully. "I'm sorry, my lord. I... I didn't. The Imperial Knights took him away... along with other Jedi."


Atrocious eyes widened a little. He asked, "What do you mean... other Jedi?"


"Well... technically, they were young Jedi padawans. They seemed to have no but themselves."


"Was one of them blind?" Atrocious asked, getting interested by what he was hearing.


The Sith bodyguard glanced up at his Master. "My lord?"


Atrocious rolled his eyes. "Was one of the children blind?"


"Oh, yes! He had bright grey eyes and blonde hair," the Sith guard answered.


Atrocious smiled coldly. This was his chance to capture the young man. He may have been blind, but Atrocious knew he was strong in the Force.


"Send your best apprentices to find them. They shall find the boy and my son. As for the others... kill them."


The Sith bowed, and left the room. Atrocious continued to smile, and looked at the view of Coruscant. He folded his arms. "I will find this young Skywalker. He shall become my best Sith apprentice yet..."


The sun's ray beamed on the bulidings ahead, making Coruscant bright as ever.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks, Rev7! :)


Chapter 20


In the Netherworld of the Force, the spirits of Luke and Lyna sat down on the ground, meditating. They sensed through the Force a disturbance. It was strong and alerting.


Lyna glanced up, and looked at Luke. "Master Skywalker? I sense... a great disturbance in the Force." Her long blonde hair flowed gently with the wind. The realm was covered in thick fog, but Lyna tried her best not to let that bother her.


Luke looked at Lyna, and nodded. "Yes. I sense it too. The Sith are trying to gain power again... but we cannot let that happen. If they rise to power again, the Galaxy is doomed."


He sighed, and rubbed his forehead with his fingers. "We must warn Cade and Zane."


Lyna nodded. "I'll go." She got up. "Maybe Zane might listen to me. After all... I feel that he misses me so much. But Cade..." She tried to fight the tears in her eyes. "I don't know if he'll ever forgive me for dying still."


She started to cry, covering her eyes with her hands.


Luke stood up, and hugged Lyna with care. The thought of Lyna feeling that Cade didn't care for her anymore made him feel sorry for Lyna.


"Listen to me, Lyna... although you died, leaving Cade and Zane... it doesn't mean that Cade doesn't care for you anymore. He was just hurt and lonely without you. Now Zane and Morrigan are the only ones he got left. But understand this: Cade still loves you, no matter what."


Lyna glanced up at Luke, and smiled faintly. She wiped her tears, thinking about what Luke said. "Thank you, Master Skywalker. I understand. It's just that... I don't want Cade and Zane to think I left them for good. I love them... Force ghost or not."


Luke was glad to hear that. Then he replied, "Good. Now let's warn Cade and your son about the Disturbance."


Lyna nodded. She knew that Zane, her beloved son, was strong in the Force, even if he was blind.



* * *


The Mynock flew in the orbit of Ossus. When it got through the atmosphere, Blue and Syn could see the Jedi Praxuem. The Mynock finally landed. The other Jedi Masters came out to greet it.


Blue got out and smiled. "Good evening!" she greeted. "It's so good to see my favorite Jedi again!"


Syn grunted, but greeted anyway. He almost trusted the Jedi, but was still in a mix of grudge with them. Rav, the old Feeroin pirate, told him that the Jedi killed his father. But it kept bothering Syn's mind, wondering if that was still true.


Master K'Kruhk bowed. He replied, "We're honored that you and Jariah came, Deliah Blue. Is there some sort of emergency?"


The Zeltron waved her hand, and made a "Pfft!" sound. "Naw, nothing like that. The only emergency we have is seeing Cade again." She looked around. "So, uh... where is the handsome old Jedi Master?"


The other Jedi Masters glanced at each other rather sadly. Shado stepped up. "Unfortunately... Cade and his mother, Morrigan Corde, went to Coruscant, looking for Zane and his friends. They ran away for some reason."


Blue gasped. "Oh my gosh!" She turned to Syn. "C'mon! Lets go find them!" The two ran back to the ship. "Nice talking to you guys! And thanks!" Blue called out.


Once they were in the Mynock again, Blue and Syn shot through the orbit, and on they're way to Coruscant.


"We better be on the look out for them," Blue said, when they were in the cockpit.


Syn grinned. "Yeah. Can't wait to see Cade's mom again..." He daydreamed about Morrigan. Ever since they met, Morrigan gave Syn everything he ever wanted... Thud bugs. It was his favorite weapon of all time.


Blue glanced at Syn, and smacked him on the back of his head. "Syn! Concentrate on the real problem!"


"All right! All right. Sheesh." Syn folded his arms, looking at the view of space while Blue flew the ship.



* * *



When the Imperial shuttle arrived at the Imperial Palace, Antares and Ganner led the five teenagers and the 11-year-old boy into the entrance.


As they walked through the hallways, the kids could see that it had Imperial flags, beautiful walls that were gold, red, and silver, also with huge windows that had the perfect view of Coruscant.


Jazk raised his eyebrows and smiled. "Woah... cool."


Antares faced a shut door, and entered in the code. Once the door opened, there was a magnificent view of the throne room. The group followed the two Imperial guards inside.


Astraal Vao came in, and stood beside the golden throne. "Her royal Highness, Empress Marasiah Fel!"


Marasiah came in the throne room, dressed in a beautiful dress of white. She sat on the throne, looking down at the children. Were they the reason why she heard a soft murmur through the Force? She was about to find out.


"So. You are the ones I must've sensed. What are your names?" Marasiah asked, in her royal tone.


Zane and the others bowed on the floor. "Zane Skywalker."


"Amora Land," the young teenaged girl answered.


"Brock Melo," said the young Bothan


"Rosy Young," the female Zabrak answered.


"Mordy Kag," the blue Twi'lek responded.


"And Jazk Mark," the little boy said.


Marasiah was pleased to see well-mannered children like themselves. But it was also a surprise to see the Son of Skywalker there. "It's a pleasure to meet you all. You may rise."


The kids obeyed, and rose up.


Marasiah got up from her throne, and paced towards the kids. Then she asked, "Are you all hungry? I have food set up in the Grand Dining Hall."


Glancing at each other, the kids nodded. After that, Marasiah led them into the dining hall. When they all went in, the room was beautiful, filled with flowers and food. The kids were astounded by the sights of the Imperial Palace.


"How do you all like it so far?" Marasiah asked.


"It's great, your Majesty!" Zane answered.


Marasiah came a few feet in front of Zane, looking closely at his eyes. They were twinkling grey. She understood. He was blind. But the Force was very strong in him. "I assume... that you are the son of Cade Skywalker?"


Zane was shocked when he heard his father's name. "How... how did you know?"


The Empress glanced down. "Come. Sit. There is much I must tell you all." After that, they all sat down at the long table, ready to discuss what needed to be told.

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Very nicely done on the two chapters and I am glad that I found some time to read them.


As usual there are minor grammar issues one being in Chapter 19 in the last section. It is actually an either or situation there. When Atrocious inquires if one of the children was blind the "were" threw me off slightly. Normally I would say it should be "was" but like I said it is an either/or situation. Both sound right.


When you have the kids being confronted by the Sith bodyguards it was amusing the way how Jazck reacts to them. While I understand the reference of jumping over the building I would have gone more along the lines that Dustil uses when greeting his father on Korriban. Something more like: "Oh lovely. You guys couldn't find a sentient to fry?" Not very inventive but you get the idea. It would give a nice little facet to Jazck's character and give the impression that you still don't know what to make of him.


The interlude you give in Chapter 20 with Luke and Lyna is interesting and well put together. It is one of those things that you can't help but wonder because you don't know what it is like when oone crosses into the netherworld of Force. You give a good insight to that and it is nice to see that you gave some thought about what dead people do. It's like trying to answer the question of what did Obi-Wan do after he died? Again very nice job on that section.


The last section on Chapter 20 starts to answer the questions that were forming about the Empress. It seems that there may be something good coming out of it but given my experiences in Star Wars with the term Empire and Imperial it could only lead to bad things. I am curious as to what the Empress' purpose is in the story. It is very mysterious but as I mentioned before you are starting to answer questions.


Overall both chapters are very good. I hope you employ a beta reader to check spelling and such. You must have because the errors are becoming fewer. Good job.

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Thanks, JediMaster12! BTW, I made a few changes on chapter 19. I also fixed one error on Chapter 20. But other than that, thanks!


Chapter 21


Atrocious sat on his throne-like chair, viewing the city of Coruscant as always. In his mind, he thought about his days as a Jedi Knight. When I was a Jedi, he always thought that the Jedi wasn't paid attention much. All that they did... it seemed that no one cared. Atrocious thought about his past with his former Jedi Master... Cade Skywalker...


[Ossus: Jedi Praxuem] 150 ABY


Atrocious, aka Kajo Mark, Jedi Knight of Ossus, stared at the view of the jungle from the roof. Ever since he's been on Ossus, Kajo trained under his Jedi Master Cade Skywalker. The 32-year-old man thought about how the Jedi should be known. It was wrong that they should stay on Ossus forever.


So Kajo decided to talk with Master Skywalker.


As the Jedi Knight, came in his Master's office, Cade and Kajo began to discuss on how the Jedi were.


"Master, Skywalker... why should we just sit here and do nothing? The Jedi should be known throughout the Galaxy. I was thinking... what if we ruled?"


Cade couldn't believe what he was hearing. Kajo didn't make any sense. He replied, "Kajo? Wh-What are you saying? Out of all the things I've taught you... why do you say things about 'ruling'?"


Kajo sighed. "Master Skywalker, the Galaxy needs order! I've seen what's out there! Chaos! You must understand, we need to take action on the Galaxy!"


"You're crazy, Kajo! You're my best student! I've taught you that the Jedi only protect, not rule! We aid those that need help." He stood from his chair, and walked by the window. "Do you understand me, Kajo?"


The Jedi Knight stood. "No. I don't. Why can't you agree with me? Darth Krayt knew what he was doing! He knew we needed order!"


Cade became upset at what Kajo had said. He took one step and huskily said, "Do not say that again! I've experienced the Dark Side before! I feel that the Darkness is trying to take over you. Don't let it!"


Kajo glared at him. "Maybe the others will view on my opinion! If I was the leader... I'd show them the true meaning of how the Jedi Order should be!" He ignited his green bladed lightsaber. "And by that... I'll end you!"


"Kajo... I don't want to fight you," Cade said, calmly.


But the enraged Jedi Knight didn't listen. He ran towards Cade for the attack. As soon as he came close, Cade ignited his own lightsaber, and sliced off Kajo's right hand.


Kajo howled in agony, and fell towards the floor. He glared up at Cade. "You'll pay for that, you piece of Jedi trash!!"


Cade stared into the eyes of his student. Anger and hate was clear in them. The Jedi Master sighed. Then he said, "I'm sorry, Kajo. But you brought this upon yourself."


Two Jedi Knights came rushing in. One of them, a Bith, said, "We sensed that something was wrong! Are you all right, Master Skywalker?"


"Yeah, I'm fine. Take Kajo to the medic." As the two picked the corrupted Jedi up, Cade glanced at Kajo. "You will go before the Council, Kajo. They will decide on what they should do with you. May the Force be with you..." After this, Cade left his office.


The Present


Atrocious glared at the view. His anger increasing, every time he thought about his past with Skywalker.


He clenched his fist tightly on his armrest of his seat. "When your son becomes my apprentice, Skywalker... you'll pay. I swear to it."



* * *


Marasiah and the group of kids sat at the long diner table of the Imperial Palace. As Marasiah told her story, the kids were amazed.


"So Skywalker saved me from the hands of Death when he revived me. I wish I thanked him on that day on Vendaxa. We battled many Sith there. Including the assassin, Darth Talon."


Zane's grey eyes squinted with confusion. "Who was Darth Talon?"


Marasiah glanced at Zane, and smiled. She answered, "Talon was a female Sith Twi'lek that worked under Darth Krayt, Lord of the Sith. She was brutal and ruthless."


"Oooh. She must've been scary looking," Jazk said, as he sat near Amora, opposite from Zane.


"Yes, she was, little one. In fact... all of the Sith were scary looking... with black tattoos and red faces..." Marasiah shook her head, and covered her eyes. Then she looked back up. "I'm sorry. I have so many bad memories. I wished they were only nightmares."


Zane felt the Empress' pain through the Force. Then he remembered of why they were there in the Imperial Palace. "Your Highness? Why did you bring us here?"


Marasiah stood from her saet, and walked towards the fireplace. "I want to make a treaty with the Jedi. I also want them to work with the Empire. But if I told you all... I was pretty sure you'd send the message out to your fellow Jedi."


She turned and looked at them. The faces of young people made her heart sink. They were so young. Yet strong in the Force. Marasiah smiled. "The Jedi helped me. And in return... I want to help you."


Zane stood up, and looked ahead, grinning. "If what you say is true, your Majesty... I agree. Tell us more."


The others glanced at Zane in surprise. They were all willing to listen... as long as everybody was cooperating.



* * *



The Force ghost of Lyna looked at the view of Coruscant from the top of a tall building. As she silently looked, she heard a voice from behind.


"Are you all right, Lyna?"


Lyna turned around. The voice belonged to the Force ghost of Kol Skywalker, father of Cade and former Jedi Master of Ossus. The beautiful woman smiled. "Oh. Hello, Master Skywalker. I was just... thinking."


Kol came by her side. "Of what, my child?"


Lyna rubbed her neck. "Of my son. Zane's growing up... and I'm proud. But I feel that the Sith are coming back. What if... the Jedi fail to bring them down again?"


The spirit of Kol glanced at the view of Coruscant. He nodded and replied, "Yes. I sense that the Sith are trying to rise up too. But don't let that bother you. If you believe that Zane will stop them... he will. My grandson is strong with the Force. And even if he's blind... the Force shall never fail him. Do you understand me, Lyna?"


Lyna turned to Kol and nodded, smiling. "Yes, Master Skywalker. Thank you."


"Anytime. And please... call me Dad." They both chuckled, and looked at the view again.


"Well... I better go. I'll see you around... Dad. And may the Force be with you." Lyna smiled, and kissed him on the cheek. Then she disappeared in thin air.


Kol touched his cheek gently, and grinned. "May the Force be with you too." He disappeared back to the Netherworld of the Force.

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