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Party members alignment...

Darth Badguy

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Well, sometimes the allignment of my partymembers changes without my influence on them has changed and without I've gained DS/LS points. It doesnt change much, but Im like 90% dark and Atton, Bao-Dur and Handmaiden (I have lot of INF on all 3 of them) constatntly float between 80 and 100. Sometimes Atton suddenly posseses DS mastery, and then a few moments later he's only 80% dark... Anybody else experienced that?

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You seem to influence them more after you gain a prestige class. Maiden, Bao, and Atton are the lightsiders, so they tend to be less influenced by your evil doings, and call you out when you randomly slay someone.


And what Ctrl_Alt_Del said. That game is buggy. Did Obsidian even have time to test it? sheesh

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^Atton, a lightsider? Tch, guess you meant Mical. Atton got horns on his forehead, bud.


All of the NPC can be light or dark depending how you influenced them except Kreia.


If you have your Stats @ 30+ there is a bug that will switch the alignment of your NPCs.

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