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Wanted - Total Conversion Mod


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Hey, Aika here. Me and my team are currently working on a total conversion mod called Wanted for Jedi Academy. It is about the path of a bounty hunter that you make and even decide his path. The bounty hunter you make is up to you, you can create your very own bounty hunting legacy. The mod has a completely new storyline for single player complete with new weapons, models, maps, and more.


We are currently looking for people that could help us out. If you are a skinner, modeler, mapper, scripter, coder, or something else, we could definately use you. If you are interested please visit the Wanted Mod Official Forums. We currently have 5 Members including myself and we are in need of more people for the mod.


If you do not have the time to model etc. but have some work of yours you could give us permission to use, please let us know. :nod:


In this thread we will be updating our progress as we find new people to help us.


Here are some samples of what we have done so far and what is still in the works.


1) Dual Wield


2) New Menu


3) Our coder's projects:


- NPC Support to make npc's walk around the maps like civilians and stop to check out shops etc. and interact with other npc's.


- A currency system for buying ships, weapons, items, and more using money from your bounties.


- A new weapon that you will have to see in-game. Yes, it's a secret! :cool:


4) Our weapon modelers projects:


- Vibroblades/Vibroswords for combat.

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I don't know much about making mods. But you may have trouble with the NPC bit. Too many NPCs at once lags the game. All the singleplayer maps are set up so that the enemies don't spawn until you walk through the door into the room they are in.


Aside from that, hmmm.


It sounds quite interesting.


Dual wielding looks cool. Is it pistols only?


The menu look way too busy. Too many details. There should be one picture and a larger pattern. Perhaps you could change the little video to some ingame footage of Boba Fett, since that seems to be the theme?


Vibroblades/swords are easy to model, so that should be fairly quick. Unfortunately I don't believe I have a program that can export models to JA, otherwise I would have made one long ago.


Looking forward to this mod.

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1) Vibro's will have lots of detail, we have an amazing skinner on the team.

2) Yes, I know about the npc thing which is why the HUGE environment in the game will be made up of much smaller maps about the size of 2-4 duel maps.

3) The menu was just to get an idea, our scripter is making it differently according to MY idea. It will have the mod logo, no video, and maybe a new background.

4) I know how to export them, don't worry.

5) This is not a criticism thread, please don't post with this, this is a recruitment thread. Thank you.

6) If you've played total conversion mods you'll know that it's easy to work your way around lots of things with some simple coding ;)

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3) The menu was just to get an idea, our scripter is making it differently according to MY idea. It will have the mod logo, no video, and maybe a new background.


Not in full agreement with this.. I'd like a say as it is what i am Donating to you, remember that.


Hello, I am proud Creator of the menu's and Dual Wields.


To anwser your not anwsered question of Dual Wields, yes it will only run as pistols, which the effects where changed to that of a e-11 to have rapid fire-ing.


And I don't think the menus are too complicated at all, a much simpler concept would be a fault in my oppinion.


I understand your complaints are only because you'd like the work as you in-visioned it, but remember i am not a full time member of this mod, i am simply donating what i see fit to it. now, i am open for some changes, but definatly not drastic changes. I apologize aika for not accepting your request.

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Sounds like a wonderful idea, but even without the singleplayer source code, to a digree it's possible to change the story mode through scripting, which i will be happy to lend a hand where i can, it cannot have the roq videos and the advanced cut scenes and player choices through missions but yes, this will be a singleplayer mod as well.

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Like the look of it.


I think the menu looks awesome in principle but I do think some of the icons could be moved around so they dont interupt with the great background. For instance the main options on the left seem to interupt with what I presume is the main full body picture of Boba. Also where it says "start a new game" at the bottom its kind of on top of the "Boba Fett Bounty Hunter" title.


An idea is that it may be easier to see if the title is at the top (or the start new game writing).


Maybe just move a few of the things around.


Looks awesome though!

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