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Siege_Destroyer map in SP


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I've downloaded the Siege_Destroyer map (official release) and it also appears in the MP siege map selection menu. Now I wanted to enter it in Singleplayer by typing "map siege_destroyer" in the console. It began to load the map but afterwards I got the error "No spawnpoint found". So how can I insert a spawnpoint for playing the map in SP? Other siege maps can also be loaded in Singleplayer so I wonder what's the difference here.

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It does only appear in the siege-list in multiplayer, I think. Are you sure that we talk about the same map (http://jediknight2.filefront.com/file/Siege_Destroyer_Map;23923)


Edit: Ah, ok you used cheats by typing "/map mp/siege_destroyer" ^^

But I wanted to enter the map in SP not in ffa because you can't spawn npc's etc. there and it doesn't work if you type this in SP (why?).


PS: I'm sorry for my bad English but I'm from Germany...

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It does only appear in the siege-list in multiplayer, I think. Are you sure that we talk about the same map (http://jediknight2.filefront.com/file/Siege_Destroyer_Map;23923)


Edit: Ah, ok you used cheats by typing "/map mp/siege_destroyer" ^^

But I wanted to enter the map in SP not in ffa because you can't spawn npc's etc. there and it doesn't work if you type this in SP (why?).


PS: I'm sorry for my bad English but I'm from Germany...


I wouldn't consider using /map a cheat but k. Since that is the command to load maps regardless of how you load them via console or via the menu or from a server/rotation script. ;)

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