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EMI installation problem, CPU = 0???


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Alright so I got the Escape From Monkey Island game and started the setup. It came with two discs. I put the first one in and then clicked the setup and it worked fine. Then it got to the part where you had to put the second disc in and click "yes" to continue. I did and nothing happened. I opened the window and manually tried to click the autorun.exe program but it still didn't work. I think I figured out the problem but I have no idea on how to fix it. If I run the "analyze my computer" thing on the disc, it says the required CPU is 200 but my computer has 0. This isn't possible because my computer is almost brand new. Please help! :yelhelp:


Oh and I also tried changing the compatibility modes and stuff and checked out a bunch of other forums and threads with similar problems but couldn't find anything that helped. Any other suggestions?

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