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Alternate Ending [spoilers]


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I've played KOTOR1 through as a Light Sider.


I'm curious to see what the Dark Side ending is, oh, say, from the time Malak croaks. I have no desire to play through as a Dark Sider, though, or even refight Malak as DS. I just want to see how the game ends for Darth Revan.


How can I do this? If it's a movie file, I can't find it.

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You really can't. Part of the ending it a movie, the other is more like a cutscene.


I also know Youtube has the "hidden" DSF ending which ends pretty much like the LS one, but fades to a scroll after the Dodonna and Vandar scene.

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The first part is basically Malak saying Revan is the true Dark Lord and yada yada, it's actually quite similar to the LS ending. Following that it's a scene of Bastila giving a speech to a bunch of various Sith (for some reason half the audience is a bunch of droids :s) saying you're unstoppable, it's only a matter of time until the Jedi are wiped out, the Core Worlds are defenseless, yada yada yada. You can see that part by warping to the STUNT_55a module. After that there's a cutscene of a gigantic fleet coming out of the Star Forge, and it fades to the credits.

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Mkay, I found the movie of ALL THE SITH SHIPS IN THE UNIVERSE. How do I "warp to module STUNT_55a?"




Never mind, if you go to Youtube and enter a search on "Kotor ending" you find the DS ending.


So now I know.


And knowing is half the battle.

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