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Single player glitch. Please Help!!!


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So when I start the first level, there is an image of a green valley surrounded by mountains that kind of "covers" the entire level. It's really distracting because it takes up so much of the screen. The game works fine; i can see parts of the real level and my player when i move the mouse in the right direction, but the image just doesn't disappear. It flickers sometimes too...

anyways, i've searched EVERYWHERE online, and it is a very rare problem (i think only one other person has experienced this). It's a retail version, and I have the patch and the latest driver for my geforce 4 mx420 graphics card. If anyone knows how to fix this, PLEASE HELP!!!!

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Have you tried updating your DirectX to the latest version? You should if you havent. I used to run JA on my old GF4 MX440. Ran fine with no graphical glitches or errors. But that was years ago, and during that time was the 5x.xx series of forceware drivers. Im assuming you are now using the 1xx.xx series of forceware drivers since you said you updated them. I wouldnt be surprised if the cause of your glitch is due to the incompetitblity of the new drivers and an old video card.

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I was going on here for the exact same problem, except I have the GF4 MX440. It has this green terrain covering almost the whole game.


I reinstalled DirectX to the new one and also updated my driver, and the same thing happens. You say this is because of the newer drivers? How can I fix this?

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Hi to all!

Im new here, however, i've felt that i should give a little help for this one..

I've also had the same problem, when i had a Pentium4 without HT technology and a GF4 MX440 card.

After i change to a Pentium4 with HT and a GF FX5200, the problem was gone!

Just a question for itsme9003, what is your CPU?

Thx and cheers!


PS: Im working on a playable Asajj Ventress for Jedi Academy :-)

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  • 6 months later...

I have this same problem with the game. It shows up like this and is really annoying greenhillsbugwu8.png


I see nobody has replied to this recently. Has anyone found a decent fix for it since or is it a just a problem with the geforce4 mx cards? I have an mx4000. Changing the resolution seems to effect it. With 1600x1200 you can sort of see whats going as its not a solid block like in the picture. Instead it flickers on and off. Looking right at the floor seems to get rid of it some of the time too but this is obviously far from ideal. My drivers are up to date according to nvidia and i tried updating from directx 9c to 10 to see if that made a difference but it didn't. Saying that, when i run dxdiag it still says i have version 9c.

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Ok after reluctantly (i don't really know what i'm doing when it comes to computers) trying out potato1982's fix, i seem to have sorted it. I changed everything in the nvidia control panel for JA to application controlled. This didn't actually do anything so i tried changing the force mipmaps to bilinear and changing it to bilinear in the game too. this seems to have solved the problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...


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