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Emotional Attachments not working?

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Simple question:

Does OJP Currently support bots with EmotionalAttachments (as in, do the ATTACHMENTS WORK)


If no, then will this be added later?


If yes, then I have a problem.

in basejka emotional attachments works flawlessly.

However in OJP:


*enter server*

bot1 + bot2 = like eachother

bot1 + bot2 = kill eachother like there's no tomorrow.


That's not right now is it :p.


For those that do not know what EmotionalAttachments are.


In the JKP file for your bot, there's a few things.

1.: Stats (How good your bot is at stuff, or how fast he can turn every time he ''thinks'' etc.).

2.: Replies and chat (What to say when X or Y event happens)

3.: Emotional Attachments (Who does this bot like and ''how much'' does it like this bot).


It looks like this



Botname [attachment 1 or 2]

(eg.:) Kyle 2


This would make the bot with this personality like Kyle a LOT, and well, not fight him during FFA matches. (1 = help in TFFA, 2 = Help in FFA)

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They were defaulted for kyle/jan desann/tavion once if I remember correctly. I have seen a bot proclaim how I'm their next target because I killed so and so.


Try reading through the documentation again and if that doesn't work, razor ace time.

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I've posted a reply to your bug ticket.


I replied with a counter argument lol:


The least I can do is try and persuade you to include a variable to activate or deactivate the emotionalattachments :p

eg.: ojp_EMOATTACH (0 / 1)

Also useful for 2 vs 1 practice when people aren't playing yet you want to play a game :p


-0mega-]Well lets say you and a buddy want to play a game of X and there's only an FFA server available, at least I know (personal experience) that *sometimes* I tend to team up with my friend, even though it's not a "team based" gametype.
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