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Timelimit and Fraglimit won't read from server CFG

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Hello there. I sometimes run a server just for the hell of it, but I am having a problem.

The timelimit and fraglimit stay at 30, even though I edited the CFG to other numbers. While I can use the command in the server window to change it, this gets tedious and I would like it to read from the CFG. Why does it not work for me?



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I just edited the stuff in the existing CFG and added two lines. I highlighted the timelimit/fraglimit lines.


seta sv_hostname "^2OJP^5E ^7Server"
seta g_motd "^6Play and have fun. ^1Don't be an ass."
seta sv_allowDownload "1"
seta sv_pure "0"
set sv_fps "50"  //boost the game's server fps.

//master servers
seta sv_master2 "master.qtracker.com"
seta sv_master3 ""
seta sv_master4 ""
seta sv_master5 "clanservers.net"
seta sv_master6 "master0.gamespy.com"

set sv_maxclients 10

//This needs to be switched to Chosen One's system for this.
set bot_minplayers 5

//bot waypoint debugging on
set bot_wp_edit 1
set bot_wp_editornumber "-1"

//extra info lines
sets "Email" "kurgan@jediknight.net"
sets "URL" "http://ojp.jediknight.net"

//optional misc settings
set ojp_motd "Welcome to Jasper's server! Have fun!"
set ojp_clientMOTD "Welcome! Show respect to fellow players and have fun!"
set d_saberspstyledamage "2"
set g_debugmelee "2"
set g_friendlyfire "0"
set g_saberdamagescale "2"
set g_npcspskill "2"
set g_spskill "5"
set bot_honorableduelacceptance "1"
seta g_privateDuel "1"
seta g_multiDuel "2"
seta g_doWarmup "0"
set g_maxforcerank 9
set g_minexplevel 80

//game limits
[color=yellow][b]seta timelimit "90" 
seta fraglimit "60"[/color][/b]
seta duel_fraglimit "1" 
seta capturelimit "8"
seta g_weapondisable "0"
//524279 is sabers only
//only use sabers/melee in the duel gametypes.
seta g_duelWeaponDisable "524275"

seta g_dismember 100
seta rconpassword "***"

set g_autoMapCycle 0

//voting options
set sv_AllowVote "1"
set g_vote "1"
set g_AllowMapVote "1"
set g_AllowGametypeVote "0"
set g_AllowTeamVote "1"
set g_AllowKickVote "0"

//OJP auto team balancer stuff
set g_teamForceBalance "0"
set g_autoKickTKSpammers "0"
set g_autoKickKillSpammers "0"

//Optional Scripts

//Ironman mode commands
set ironcmd1 "set disable_item_shield 1; set disable_item_shield_lrg_instant 1; set disable_item_shield_sm_instant 1; set disable_item_medpac 1; set disable_item_medpak_instant 1; say Ironman mode has been activated!"
set ironcmd2 "set disable_item_shield 0; set disable_item_shield_lrg_instant 0; set disable_item_shield_sm_instant 0; set disable_item_medpac 0; set disable_item_medpak_instant 0; say Ironman mode has been disabled!"
set ironon "vstr ironcmd1; set iron vstr ironoff"
set ironoff "vstr ironcmd2; set iron vstr ironon"
set iron "vstr ironoff"

//Bot activation commands
set botcmd1 "kick allbots; set bot_minplayers 4"
set botcmd2 "set bot_minplayers 4"
set boton "vstr botcmd1; set bot vstr botoff"
set botoff "vstr botcmd2; set bot vstr boton"
set bot "vstr botoff"

//PowerDuel gametype Drain+Heal disabling commands (for now let’s not use this)
//set fcecmd1 "set g_forcepowerdisable 8193"
//set fcecmd2 "set g_forcepowerdisable 0"
//set fceon "vstr fcecmd1; set bot vstr fceoff"
//set fceoff "vstr fcecmd2; set bot vstr fceon"
//set fce "vstr fceoff"

//Map Cycle stuff

//macros for gametype configuration
set siegeOn "bot_minplayers "8"; g_privateDuel "0"; kick allbots; timelimit "40"; set g_gametype 7"
set jmOn "bot_minplayers "8"; g_privateDuel "0"; fraglimit "20"; timelimit "20"; set g_gametype 2"
set ctfOn "bot_minplayers "8"; g_privateDuel "0"; capturelimit "5"; timelimit "20"; set g_gametype 8"
set ctyOn "bot_minplayers "8"; g_privateDuel "0"; capturelimit "5"; timelimit "20"; set g_gametype 9"
set holoOn "bot_minplayers "8"; g_privateDuel "1"; fraglimit "20"; timelimit "20"; set g_gametype 1"
set ffaOn "bot_minplayers "8"; g_privateDuel "1"; fraglimit "30"; timelimit "30"; set g_gametype 0"
set tffaOn "bot_minplayers "4"; g_privateDuel "1"; fraglimit "80"; timelimit "25"; set g_gametype 6"
set dualOn "bot_minplayers "4"; g_privateDuel "0"; fraglimit "1"; duel_fraglimit "20"; timelimit "25"; set g_gametype 3"
set pdualOn "bot_minplayers "4"; g_privateDuel "0"; fraglimit "5"; duel_fraglimit "20";  timelimit "25"; set g_gametype 4"

//Razor's Enhanced Map Cycle
set enhanced1 "vstr tffaOn; map mp/duel4; set nextmap vstr enhanced2"
set enhanced2 "vstr ffaOn; map mp/ffa4; set nextmap vstr enhanced3"
set enhanced3 "vstr holoOn; map mp/ffa1; set nextmap vstr enhanced4"
set enhanced4 "vstr pdualOn; map mp/duel2; set nextmap vstr enhanced5"
set enhanced5 "vstr ffaOn; map mp/ffa2; set nextmap vstr enhanced6"
set enhanced6 "vstr pdualOn; map mp/duel1; set nextmap vstr enhanced7"
set enhanced7 "vstr ffaOn; map mp/duel8; set nextmap vstr enhanced8"
set enhanced8 "vstr jmOn; map mp/ffa3; set nextmap vstr enhanced9"
set enhanced9 "vstr ffaOn; map mp/duel10; set nextmap vstr enhanced1"

set enhanced0 "vstr dualOn; map mp/duel5; set nextmap vstr enhanced1"

vstr ironcmd2
vstr enhanced9 
vstr botcmd1

Oh, by the way, where's the location of the starting map in the CFG?

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vstr ironcmd2
[b][color=Yellow]vstr enhanced9[/color] [/b]
vstr botcmd1



When you look at the bottom of your .cfg

you see a bunch of VSTR, look at the ones for the maps / gametypes, they edit your frag and timelimit.


eg.: Ensiform pointed out vstr enhanced9


set enhanced9 "vstr ffaOn; map mp/duel10; set nextmap vstr enhanced1"

Notice how it says "vstr ffaOn"

now look at ffaOn

set ffaOn "bot_minplayers "8"; g_privateDuel "1"; fraglimit "30"; timelimit "30"; set g_gametype 0"


That's your problem, the custom map rotation overrides your frag / time limit settings.


To fix either remove the custom map rotation, or remove the frag/timelimit settings from the gametype macros, or remove everything, or remove the ffaOn and stuff from the map rotation, as long as you get rid of those other ''timelimit / fraglimit'' settings from being run.


map mp/duel10 is also the first map that gets loaded if I'm right (also located in the enhanced9 ''macro'', (I believe its the err. well I don't remember the name of duel10 lol))


So now is the question:

1.: Do you want to keep that map rotation?

Because if you don't even want the map rotation you can take it away alltogether.

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