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[NWN2] Elanee Romance


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It does exist :p. The scripting logic in the dialogue file just seems impossibly messed up. In true Avellone fashion, it is essentially an angst-fest but it adds more backstory to her character.


Angst and... more angst - it's surprisingly endearing.


Oh yeah, and I also added the new facial animations - an example - to the dialogue as well as making use of the dialogue animations (such as TALK_SAD and so forth) bith of which are woefully underused.


If anyone is interested in this, I'll clean it up proper and release it. Just thought I'd see what you guys thought first.

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Angst and... more angst - it's surprisingly endearing.

Oh yeah, and I also added the new facial animations - an example - to the dialogue as well as making use of the dialogue animations (such as TALK_SAD and so forth) bith of which are woefully underused.

You know who could use some more facial emoting is Qara. Her voice acting is pretty good but she looks like she's delivering it deadpan most of the time.


I'm interested to see before/after screenshots of Elanee if you can be bothered. :)

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I did two examples with Shandra for you, just so you can see the variety. These are the only ones that don't look odd without the lips moving (shots taken in the animation viewer) - the others all look a little weird unless you have lipsync.









Edit: Actually... angry looks a little odd without lipsync too - she looks like an evil witch plotting away in her cave :xp:.

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I did two examples with Shandra for you, just so you can see the variety. These are the only ones that don't look odd without the lips moving (shots taken in the animation viewer) - the others all look a little weird unless you have lipsync.






Seems like the only difference between the different expressions is the eyebrows. Looks a bit weird with angry eyebrows and a smiling mouth in the same expression. :) Only difference I can see between Normal and Amused is that her right eyebrow has been raised?


* * *


As for the mod, please do release it when you are done. While I likely won't play any male character most of her angsty backstory dialog isn't exactly romantic and as such could be enabled for female protagonists with no interest in romantic entanglements as well. :)

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Seems like the only difference between the different expressions is the eyebrows.


I thought that when looking at them in the animation viewer. But in the game with lipsync, they have a rather nice effect - although, some of them are a little ridiculous. The surprised one makes it look as though Shandra's eyebrows are making a desperate attempt to flee her face. I'm going to guess that this is some sort of beta-implementation at the moment, though - like the multi-select. Unless the fleeing eyebrow look is in vogue in California, of course.


Edit: I actually removed the gender checks in the hate-mance, should I wish to play through it as a female PC :). Plus, bisexuality seems to suit the slightly obsessive way she watches you fall asleep each night, and essentially stalks you regardless of the player's gender.

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