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Jedi Malak reskin for TSL


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I love playing with Jedi Malak in the game, however I tend to agree with the exile in that Malak is corny before he got power. All 'Malak disses' aside, i'm not that big a fan of his jedi get-up.


I was curious if anyone would be interested in reskinning Jedi Malak with more traditional looking jedi tunic. I'm looking for the textures the be somewhat similar to the tunics from the films (i just wanted to clarify that i'm not asking for a change in the character model at all, just the skin on the model).


1)If he could possibly have black pants with black boots and the sash (that hangs over his crouch and rear) reskinned dark brown.


2)If you look at Anakin's jedi tunic in Ep2, his shirt is was brown and his leather tunic was black. I'm asking if someone could give jedi Malak a tunic covering his shirt. The tunic should be the same dark brown as his sash and belt. The shirt underneath the tunic is white. Jedi Malak's wristbands should be black, and (if possible) his hands be gloved the same color as his wristbands (fingerless if possible, but if not, that's fine too). The collar should be white like his undershirt.


3)As for jedi Malak's head, i would love to see the tattoo's gone and replaced with hair. By hair, i don't mean anything that changes the shape of his head. I'm simply asking for a low cut so he won't be bald anymore. His hair should be black.


4)As far as stats and such, i'm not really concerned with that, just the illusion of a new character. His name could be Young Malak, or Padawan Malak. This would be an great mod in my opinion.


Whoever has the time and could tackle this, i would be supremely greatful. Though i'm pretty specific about how I would like to see this new Malak, I tried to stay within the realm of DO-ability.


Please respond to this thread or PM me if you are interested.




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