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i think that's what he was aiming for. He was goiing for a more human-like apperence like say a chrome retextur of a Jedi Master that is classafied as a droid.


Well, he actually said in his post, "would it be possible to use a droid body but make it a Jedi". So I only answered the question he was asking, and IMO using a human body but re-skinning it to look like a droid would look a bit silly.

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Well, he actually said in his post, "would it be possible to use a droid body but make it a Jedi". So I only answered the question he was asking, and IMO using a human body but re-skinning it to look like a droid would look a bit silly.


O.k. Please don't fight over what I said. Only *I* really know how I meant it.


I just want to have a body that looks at least somewhat droid-like and have it be classified as a droid; But only the head would be left the original color - although part would be gray. Imagine the Terminator from Terminator 2: Judgement day (The one not played by the Govenator Basically, I want to have it look like it is a cybernetic organism with part of the robot skeleton showing and a overall battered look to it. Here is a concept drawing to help out.


(The Right Side of his face should be skin tone with some red (blood) and the left side should be gray (Metal exposed)

As Far as his body goes, The Right Arm should have spots of gray and red to represent damage over the years. His Class should be Combat Droid (like HK-47) Also one of his legs should be totally gray (once again, Damage)

Can it be done that way?

Please PM me/Post ASAP! Thanks a million,



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