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Changing the appearance of a character


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Hey everyone,


Alright I wanted to know if anyone would have time to waste to change the appearance of Mical the Disciple into a more attractive character..


I know lots of people hate him, but I'm writing a romance for him in my dialogue pack anyway, cause I think he is not a bad character!

But I just wish he was better looking, his case of helmet hair (probably due to the Force Gel he uses..) is making him very ugly, and he looks old too.. :(

He looked much better on this drawing (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Image:Disciplepromo.jpg) than in the game!

If he looked more attractive it would be much more satisfying to go through his romance! :p


So if anyone has the time to do this for the few girls who like this character, would be awesome! Thanks! :D

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Open the appearance.2da file in KotOR tool, find the number under "normal head" for the head you want to replace his with, copy it, then paste it on Mical's normal head number. Click on another row before saving, stick the file in your override (unless you're editing an appearance.2da that a mod uses that's already in the override) and his head should be replaced.

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Is it possible to change a few things on his head, not remodel it completely, instead of exchanging it with another?


If not then yeah I'll go with the easier solution and just exchange his head with another.. lol

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