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What is a uti file


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A UTI file is an Item file, not the actual model of the item but the properties you can get a UTI(tem) file with KotOR Tool by looking for the directory:

KotOR (I or II) > BIFs > templates.bif > Blueprint, Item > (Any file in this directory)

In that bif file you should be able to find all the base items in the game, special keys and weapons will most likely be stored in there modules "_S.rim" file.


If you double click on one of the UTI files then a window will open with 4 tabs:

"General", "Properties", "Description" and "Comment"


In the "General" tab you have the "template ResRef" which is the same as the files name, the "Tag" which is what SWKotOR will sometimes refer to the item as, And below is information about the item.


Im looking at "g1_a_class5001.uti" which is the first UTI file in the KotOR I templates.bif, this item is the "Light Exoskeleton - Armour". Because this is an armour file, its "Base Item" is set to "Defence Bonus 4" which is the label of the row in Baseitems.2da, Then is the cost information and upgrade information, charges (generally for shields but im not sure about other item types) stack size (for your inventory, whether it will stack like grenades and medpacks and what numbers it will stack into, i think max is 99 and then another column starts)

There is then information to determine the appearance of the item, "Model Variation", "Body Variation" and "Texture Variation" which are important to makes sure that that different armours and weapons dont look the same all the time, so you can have many different types of armour and vibroblades that all look different.

The "Body Variant" is set to "3" which means this is the 3rd varient of the "Defence Bonus 4" armour. The "Texture Varient" is set to "7" whichmeans that this is using Body model 3 with Texture varient 7.


Not too confusing i hope.

Anywho, next tab is "Properties" you can add a new property by double clicking on the large asterisk (*) and that will set you up with adding a new property.


Nex tab is "Description" and this is includes the Name of the item that appears ingame and the description, when writing a description i use the "Identified" description and check the box above that field, im not entirely sure about the difference between that and the "Unidentified" description.


And the last tab is "Comment" in here you can write what the hell you like and it wont make any difference in game play at all! Bioware generally use this field to write down stuff about doors, like where they are used.


I hope that covers all about the UTI file,

You can download KotOR Tool: Here!

You can also make them using "kgff" which is a super handy tool by tk102 but it is alot more difficult because you have to go hunting through 2da files to get the row number for fields such as the "baseitem"

But if you want, you can get that: Here!


~Glove :p

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