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Fog not appearing in Jedi Academy


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I am currently working on a map, and wanted to use fog to enhance the experience of my map.


I added a brush, and covered in many differnet fog textures (yavin, yavin2, hoth, rail etc..) and compiled my level. However, when I then load my level in the game, either the fog does not appear or it shows the missing texture black and white grid. Any help would be appreciated.


Thanks in advance,


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It means whoever wrote the shader forgot to use 'surfaceparm nolightmap' on it.


anyway, I don't really know why your fog doesn't work, I just tested some different ones in a test map,and they all worked fine for me... Maybe you ended up with a bad brush somehow, try deleting it and starting over.

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Thanks, it's the weirdest thing. Your map works fine, the fog appears with no problems. I also compiled the map to ceheck it wasn't radiant, and that also worked.


I then made a new fog brush in my level, and it worked 100%, so I'm not sure what I was doing wrong!


Thanks for your help,


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