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[One-Shot] He Who Survives

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Star Wars

One-Shot #1 - He Who Survives



Written: 16th September 2007


Published: 16th September 2007


Updated: -


Last Modified: -


Genre(s): General, Science Fiction


Summary: What If? What if Qui-Gon Jinn had survived the moment he was supposed to die, in the climatic battle of the Duel of the Fates?


Disclaimer: This one-shot is written for my own purposes, in which it isn’t intended to make any money or claim anything that was originally written.


LucasArts own the Star Wars series and anything else to do with the franchise. I own nothing, except my imagination and anything to do with my imagination.


Author’s Note: This is a re-write of my latest entry, He Who Wins. It isn't in any way, related to that Fan Fic and it has a different ending to that one too.


Feel free to read and review, praise or criticise, but constructive criticism, if you don’t mind. Thank you and please enjoy.




Standing behind several red plasma shields, Obi-Wan Kenobi felt useless. He could see his master, Qui-Gon Jinn, mediating behind one of the plasma shields. In front of every single plasma shield, Obi-Wan could see the Sith Warrior. Obi-Wan watched as the Sith Warrior paced around, as if he was impatiently waiting to battle once more.


Obi-Wan switched his weapon, the lightsaber, on. In doing that, a blue blade appeared, which was accompanied by a slow gentle hum. The plasma shields slowly deactivated themselves and Obi-Wan could see Qui-Gon immediately standing up from his meditating and he ran forwards towards the Sith Warrior. Both Qui-Gon and the Sith Warrior activated their own lightsabers and began battling against each other yet again.


As soon as the plasma shield that Obi-Wan had stood behind had managed to deactivate itself, he ran as fast as he could towards the battle. He had to help his master in defeating the Sith Warrior. It seemed like Obi-Wan was going to rejoin in the battle again, but unfortunately, the last plasma shield reactivated itself and he found himself standing behind a plasma shield yet again.




Qui-Gon found himself pushing his opponent backwards and they began to circle themselves around the Naboo Core. Soon, Qui-Gon found himself being pushed backwards by the enraged Zabrak. Despite this, Qui-Gon kept on the defensive, blocking all attacks that the enraged Zabrak attempted.


Being older and having a normal lightsaber, Qui-Gon knew that he had a disadvantage. The Sith Warrior was younger and he had a double-bladed lightsaber, something of which most Jedi had never trained themselves to use in battle. The Sith Warrior was able to move a lot quicker than Qui-Gon was, but Qui-Gon was, in all fairness, the better combatant, due to the years of training he had received and how much older he was, compared to his opponent.


While the Sith Warrior continued to push Qui-Gon back, Qui-Gon stayed on the defensive, hoping that Obi-Wan would soon rejoin the battle soon. Due to his age, he knew that he couldn’t keep fighting the Sith Warrior on his own, for long. He needed Obi-Wan to help him against their opponent. Unexpectedly, the Sith Warrior used the hilt of his double-bladed lightsaber to hit Qui-Gon’s chin, sending him backwards and defenceless. Calling upon the Force, Qui-Gon dodged one of the Sith Warrior’s blades and stood away from him. This Dark One was powerful indeed.




After what had seemed like a very long time, the plasma shields were deactivated again and Obi-Wan activated his lightsaber, rejoining his master in combat with the Dark One.


Both Jedi aided each other in their battle to defeat their enemy, the one who had tried to kill Qui-Gon on Tatooine and the one who had almost killed Qui-Gon in the current duel.


The Dark One was powerful indeed and both Jedi knew it. It would take a lot of strength to defeat the Sith Warrior and an enraged Zabrak like this one would take a lot of time and effort to win against him.


Obi-Wan saw an advantage over the Sith Warrior and immediately used his own lightsaber to destroy the Dark One’s double-bladed lightsaber. But it hadn’t been destroyed. Obi-Wan had managed to only destroy part of the double-bladed lightsaber, causing the Sith Warrior to use his once saberstaff as a normal lightsaber.


Shocked yet angry, Maul immediately kicked Obi-Wan, sending him flying backwards into the Naboo Core. Luckily, he had managed to catch hold of a small ledge, that happened to save Obi-Wan from falling to his death.




Meanwhile, Qui-Gon continued to duel the enraged Zabrak, who was somewhat still good with the one blade. Qui-Gon thought that with his saberstaff destroyed, the Sith Warrior would be slightly weaker, but the Dark One’s offence was still quite fast and Qui-Gon was struggling to keep parrying each and every strike that was made.


Like Obi-Wan before, Qui-Gon was sent flying backwards by one of the Sith Warrior’s strong kicks. While Qui-Gon was on the floor, he watched as the Sith Warrior kicked Obi-Wan’s lightsaber down the Naboo Core.




In the Naboo Core, Obi-Wan could hear a clunking sound. He turned to see his lightsaber, fall down the long abyss. Obi-Wan was annoyed at this, but he managed to keep calm. He hoped that he could soon get out of the Naboo Core, since his arms were aching and once again, he was made useless, unable to help his master in battle.


Obi-Wan looked up to see the Sith Warrior return his view to Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan knew that while the Sith Warrior was attacking Qui-Gon, he would be able to leap back into the battle. Of course, he’d be weapon less, but he had a plan.




Qui-Gon found himself being pushed back again, almost to the point where he could have been fried by the online plasma shields. As he parried several more quick strikes, Qui-Gon saw Obi-Wan leaping out of the chasm. Quickly, Qui-Gon kicked the Sith Warrior backwards, surprising him and threw his lightsaber to Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan caught it and landed in front of the Sith Warrior. Obi-Wan used Qui-Gon’s lightsaber to stab the Sith Warrior in the abdomen.


He gasped out in pain and Obi-Wan pulled the lightsaber from the Sith Warrior and handed it back to Qui-Gon. The Sith Warrior stumbled backwards and fell down the chasm.


Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon knew they had defeated their enemy. An enemy of many names. The Sith Warrior, who was an enraged Zabrak who was a servant of the Dark One. The Dark One meaning the dark side.


There was only one question that ran through Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon’s minds. Who was destroyed? The master or the apprentice?



The End


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It was interesting. But to be extremely honest: it isn't one of your best. I liked it, but, yeah it's not my favorite out of what you've done. I just didn't feel close enough as what I have done with your other Fics. Perhaps it has got to do with the whole Ep I theme. It is my least favorite out of the six movies, but I dunno.


Sorry for the negative comment, Topsite. :(

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Sorry for the negative comment, Topsite. :(


No, don't worry Mr_BFA. At least you didn't flame me, but I'm sorry you didn't like it. I'm the opposite and I like Episode I, despite its flaws.


Oh and since I've finished The Ultimate Revenge of the Sith (aka A Dark Hope), I'm thinking of just writing One-Shots, while working on a WIP Fan Fic.

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