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Yoda's species

Deke Shasy

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Just wondering if any one thinks that George Lucas will ever give Yoda's species a name and origin?


Also, what species would Yoda be most like (comparing to), and what planet would he most likely have came from? (Based on ones own opinion)


This was just intended to view peoples thoughts and opinions.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You should be careful with this topic.


As we all know it GL places close attention to anything about the origin of Yoda, including his species. Just maybe he has something planned for him. Yaddle's back story is flushed out in comics though.


Writers trying to write about Yoda's origin or his species and such usually have to remove that section. This ranges from game cards depicting pictures of the species to stories and what not. Even trying to put a name on the species is not allowed.


It is said that GL himself hires a special task force to deal with stubbon writers and such... those unfortunate souls are locked up in a secret tower on an island not shown on any maps, and that GL would wear their flayed skin at night speaking like yoda and JarJar, chanting "Han Shoots Last..." Or maybe Yoda is just GL's fantasized lover.

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