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tusken female and male portraits plus pc head


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yeah like the title says i would like portraits and pc heads of tusken male and female it dosent have to be the head only i would like it to be the original one so that when u select the head it would be the normla npc look and u could put other armors but the look wount change..

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As far as I know, both models are single head+body mesh.



yeah i know but i ment was a selectable tusken fem + male models

like when u make a playable nikto or rodian it will use the original model

so that when i go in the class select menu il choose the tusken fem or male portrait it will show up the normal tuskens...

it would seem simple and it is only a request that xander told he would make today.

BtW i am not in a hurry so Xander take your time.. :)


P.S Xander if it is possible please can u make the portaits too..?

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I dont want to be rude or annoing but but.... Xander please or ÐeceptiKain or enybody else can u make a tusken mod for kotor 1 please...please..


Alox90, since I have already told you that posts like this are not allowed and you simply can't be bothered to read, let alone follow, our posted rules this thread is closed and your tenure here is on real shaky ground. -RH

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