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trask survives the endar spire..


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yeah.. was thinking about a mod that make trask a bigger part in kotor 1 and he would replace canderous..

whit all new dialogues.

the story would go that trask survives the encounter whit darth bandon and make a swif run to the escape pods after you (player)left whit carth..

he woudl explain that there was still one pod left mysteriosly xD

and i would like him to be finded at the medical center at taris he would seem wounded..near the bacta tanks whit the other nearly dead republic soldiers.


and if possible after the recruit there would appear an unique armor of trask an republic officer one.. and the armor description would be that trask was give the rank of leutenant after the surviving of taris and being one of the task force to save bastila, and hes normal clothers would be the same as one of the under ground guys..or a civil one


and add some bonus to it whyle wearing it..

+ put the clothing of Carth Onasi as a normal republic soldier one dont know why but it sounds more that Carth was a first line man..at war


P.S and Trask would have the same amount of dialogues as canderous kinda the same as an normal party member he would tell about hes past and hes futere plans when u gain more experience..and in the end at the rakata temple if player DS he would run off whit carth or be killed by revan you people chose.. and i dont want Trask to have an opputiny to become a jedi it sound too silly an i dont want all the party members to be jedis.. and.. thats about it shear yout oppinions :)

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Well don't know if you know this but Trask was in the Polish Yavin Mod (of which is currently being translated; or atleast it was last time i checked). Anyhow that would be a good mod to check (the translated version when it's done, if you don't understand Polish) for more action with Trask, although

If I recall, you fight him as he has turned to the darkside, therefore making Trasks survival short lived!! :lol:

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