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If Lucasarts are not going to make a follow up to the classic game why dont they try making a full feature CGI animated Movie? or even a live action?


Am I the only one who wants to see Ben back in action (yes sadly I know of the passing of Roy Conrad) But Still it would have been great to see a sequel BUT if that is not to be why not a do a movie.


I am sure that i cant be the only fan who wants to see the boys ride again?

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Some things just don't happen, man. :(


LucasArts is a corporation, as in money-making guild. Profit is their #1 concern, not doing what people think is good or bad, especially what some gamers (a community that is still a minority) want. Full Throttle would make a great movie, no doubt, but game-to-movie conversions are still a bad omen. Add to that the fact that post-apocalyptic biker stories (aka Mad Max :D ) were for the 80s and 90s. LucasArts/LucasFilms has to juggle with risks and considerations on the way.


Right now they're doing Indiana Jones, because there is a good chance of making money there. The SW prequels made phenomenal cash, so there is no reason why Indiana Jones shouldn't. Reason? A lot of people know Indiana Jones and Star Wars, but only a small community (LA fans) in a minority (gamers) know about Full Throttle.


That is the reason LucasArts had to abandon their stellar adventure games - hardly anyone bought their last games, Grim Fandango, Escape from Monkey Island, etc. That's because easier, twitch-based games, like shooters and RPGs got big. You can't and shouldn't blame LucasArts for not doing the right thing. They're a corporation, and that's a tough job. :(

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A New Hope's screenplay was rejected by Universal Studios and United Artists. Guess they knew what they were doing, eh? Yeah. Good of the company and all that. No risks (god forbid!) taken on a foolish filmmaker like Lucas. Who did he think he was! Haha! Guaranteed profit only! Yay!


Twenty years later:



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A New Hope's screenplay was rejected by Universal Studios and United Artists. Guess they knew what they were doing, eh? Yeah. Good of the company and all that. No risks (god forbid!) taken on a foolish filmmaker like Lucas. Who did he think he was! Haha! Guaranteed profit only! Yay!


Twenty years later:



If A New Hope hadn't been made as well as it is, it would have certainly been a disaster, considering its exotic locations, special effects and other budget concerns.


LucasArts was in an especially precarious position, because they made their way through the 90s with only two things - Adventure games and Star Wars games. SW was easy, but adventure games were failing and ultimately fizzled out. SW got them through the new century, and where they are today. Even if you look today, LA has diminished considerably. They would typically churn out game after game, but now they are concentrating on steady projects.


Force Unleashed was pretty predictable - the next generation Jedi Knight game and Wii Lightsaber action - people will buy it. The upcoming Lego SW game will build upon its predecessors' success. Fracture, with its promise of "ground-breaking" gameplay (pardon the pun :D) will be a hit with violence-breathing gamers. The Indiana Jones game is there to make cash with the movie. As you can see, LA isn't trying anything outlandishly weird here, because they don't want to take risks.

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ANH cost the equivalent of about 39 million in 2007 dollars. How much is the average price of the trash movies put out now? Over twice that. "If ANH wasn't made as good as it was" - what? So you mean that if ANH was crap, people wouldn't have watched it? Incredible. I would have never guessed. I suppose that must mean that if you're going to take a risk, you had better do a good job, right?


Milking the fans for cash is not the only path to success, obviously, but I guess it's too much to ask for them to be creative. LA is just there so that George Lucas to fill his coffers and give him more cash to put Hayden Christansen into the OT. They must have realized this after mistakenly announcing in 2002 that they would have 50% non-SW games since the quality of said games had taken a hit, but no more! Thanks for clearing this up, Sabre. I am pleased that I can now map out the course of LA's future with complete confidence:


SW shooter, AOE-clone SW, SW shooter, SW RPG, Indy action-adventure, SW shooter, Battlefield-clone SW, SW console platformer, etc etc ad infinitum.


Yes, quite pleased. They can be just like iD software, with two franchises! Oh wait, I haven't bought a single iD game because I know exactly what happens in them - hardly have to play at all! Hmm.

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Full Throttle can't be made into a movie because it has two target markets, the games fans and bikers. Not many bikers I know are just going to shell out for a movie, and well... the games fans are rather small.


Indy is getting made because A, it was supposed to be made almost two decades ago. B, Indy is the **** and everyone loves seeing his quests for fortune and glory. Franchise, yeah but who complains about Indy?

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