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[K1]Module creation tutorial with images needed


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hey, im working for a mod, which will be like an addon for the holowan spire mod, which is made by someone here, though, the link to the holowan spire mod (pcgamemods) is broken, and im in the need of a tutorial,


i will work on an addon for the holowan spire mod, which will be a cantina/shop, i need to learn how, first, if you could post some tutorials, and/or add images,


as i said, it will be a cantina, linked trough a door, or a button somewhere one the holowspire, so if you want, could you tell how to make it a button instead of a door, which transfers you to the cantina? and how to make one which transfers you back, if so, i could make one working transportation system to it, i saw the effect in the ebon hawk basement mod




so i need to know exactly how to turn a normal selkath npc to a merchant, i know, there are already tutorials for that here,


i tried those, it didn't work out well, with the gff editor im linking to, so if someone could either make a new one or rewrite it for that gff editor, it would be really nice, i tried to use the gff editor they told me to, but it didn't work on my win2k computer


iwould prefer if you use these programs on it, or some more, if you send a link:


Bioware's erf program


Kotor Tools, by fred tetra


Gff editor by roboius


you could link to some tutorials aswell, if you want, would be awsome if i could get help with this, or some tutorial links, at least


im not telling anyone to do anything, feel free to do it if you want

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im not afraid of giving it out on the web: {Snip} Afraid or not, no emails posted in public please. Spambots are bad. Thanks. -RH


though, im only temporarely home now, had to get some stuff i forgot here, so im soon going back to my short-time home thing, which im at every 3rd weekend, i will get able to reply at sunday, when i get home, or maybe saturday evening, if i feel like that, its only about 20 - 30 minutes away, if i walk, hehe

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sure, will start working on it right away


edit: it was that tutorial i used, didn't work out very well


btw, how do i make a useable button to a door? like if i press it, you get to another area? would be nice to see a small tutorial written for those programs noticed in the top post

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You would need to spawn a computer console with a dialog and attatch a script to warp to another module...


I think this would work:


void main () 



just replace the ***** with the name of the module.


I think it woukd work but i not sure....


I suck at scripting........


Not sure though

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You could either edit the modules .GIT file to spawn it or take he easier option and spawn it using a script.


Which I think would look like this:


void main() 
   float x = *******; 
   float y = 38.55372;    float z = *********; 
   float r = 90.00; 

   vector vPla = Vector(******); 
   location lPla = Location(vPla, r); 

   object oPla = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "XXXXXX", lPla); 


Replace the ***** with the co ordinates and the XXXXX with the tag of the custom console......

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darn, i really can't get this to work, the dialogue part, i need to know what i did wrong, i copied the dlg file from the same npc i edited, changed its name to the one i want to use, n_selkath99, saved it, but only thing is that when i try to edit it and add a new voice, since the edited merchant is a human, what it won't want to open in the conversation editor..

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