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Dxun Expansion Mod Suggestion


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dxun is so much fun. Al msot everyone probably says it's their favorite planet right? It's a cool jungle planet where you meet mandalorians and fight wild animals and get some of the more fun sidequests.


This isn't too big of a mod suggestion. But it would take some work.

Here it is:

Adding three new modules to Dxun

The South Jungle- which will be south

The North Jungle- which will be north

The Deep jungle- this jungle part will link to both the south and north jungles, and it will be kinda like kashyyyk's shadowlands, it could have some caves, maybe even a crystal cave!

all these modules would be nice if they were unique and well made, fileld with enmeies and good items to fidn and some sidequests. It woudl be nice if all these modules were at least as big as the main dxun jungle module.

Sounds fun doesn't it? i always thought dxun was too short, and i had so much fun on it. we should add kinrath and shyracks as animals in the deep jungle. maybe even soem gizka in different places to kill for fun.

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That should be possible if you copy Dxun, chop it up, rearrange it and then add it to the game.


For the cave, you could combine the cave/tunnel from when you get near Freedon Nadd's tomb with the cave on Korriban. The entrance to the test could become the entrance to a Dark Crystal cave?


Can't do it myself, i've got nowhere near the skills to pull it off.


Edit: Also, more or different enemies from the crashed bounty hunter ship. Is it possible to replece the bounty hunter ship with one that is bigger? The bigger the ship, the more enemies you get.

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