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Chatroom grievances aired

The Source

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If you're going to cite me for something, I'll need more to go on.

Chatroom! Remember? Same exact problem, but just different people. Remember?


You and I were having a heated conversation. I quoted your words, so I can comment on them. What happened? I got banned from the chatroom for quoting your words. Remember?

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Same problem. A LucasForums administrator/moderator causing a problem, and someone else had to pay for it. Never once did I get an apology from you. I admited my faults in the matter, but you went without an equal punishment. That chatroom is still LucasForums. Its owned by LucasForumsNetwork.


Different rules apply for moderators and administrators than visitors. That is wrong.

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In that chatroom episode, you were being anonymous and making small remarks about another moderator. Someone asked, "Who is that making these remarks?" You didn't answer. Because your IP is viewable, I called you by name so that others would know who was making the comments. This infuriated you for reasons I could not comprehend and between a number of private exchanges it seemed your anger continued to grow -- that I was not respecting you somehow. I said I was not stirred to anger at anytime during our exchange. I did not use the most eloquent language in describing your actions and for that I am very sorry. But you left the chat before you saw that message.


Later you publicly posted that message as evidence that I am "a piece of work". For that I banned you for harassment both towards me and the original moderator.


This was to be a temporary ban. As I was ready to let bygones be bygones, it seemed that you wanted to make it into another persecution and have taken various steps to let others know how persecuted you are. Thus the ban continued to stay in place. Since then, however, you've returned to the chatbox.


I would like to put this in the past, but that is hard to do when you keep bringing it up.

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That's not the way it happened ED. I confess I said the following privately to The Source:


"Are you going to continue to behave a like a dickhead, because if so, I'd prefer you leave."


Then later when The Source logged on he quoted that publicly in the chatbox along with "what a piece of work".


So there is our dirty laundry out in the open. I apologize again for using such language. It was early Sunday morning and hadn't had my coffee and this was the first thing I was dealing with. Not a good excuse but it's my only one.


This came after a series of other escalating private messages. When I saw it publicly posted, that was enough to warrant a ban for harassment since it was clear I was not getting through.

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That's not the way it happened ED. I confess I said the following privately to The Source:


"Are you going to continue to behave a like a dickhead, because if so, I'd prefer you leave."


Then later when The Source logged on he quoted that publicly in the chatbox along with "what a piece of work".


So there is our dirty laundry out in the open. I apologize again for using such language. It was early Sunday morning and hadn't had my coffee and this was the first thing I was dealing with. Not a good excuse but it's my only one.


This came after a series of other escalating private messages. When I saw it publicly posted, that was enough to warrant a ban for harassment since it was clear I was not getting through.

Thanks for the apology. Thats all I wanted. Because you came forward and admited fault, I am deeply greatful you took some responsibility. I can truely respect that.


I apologize for making this public, but I didn't get anywhere with you in private. It may have been due to the factor that we pissed each other off that day. Who knows.


Thanks man. :)

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