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Only One Medical Facility?

Darth Payne

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Am i the only on to find it odd that there is only one medical facility in the entire game of K1?


Unless i miss my guess, it shouldn't take too much work to put in a single room om each planet that functions as a medical facility.


PS: does anyone know if it's possible to alter Redhawke's Kamino Eugenics Chamber mod so one such chamber is in Zelka's back room? There should be room for one in there between the two occupied tanks.


If RH can't or won't do this maybe RH would allow another modder to make this suggested MK 2 version?


PS: And no, i don't count the room on the hawk where Jollee moves in.

PSS: Hmmmm, maybe modifying the Ebon Hawk Basement mod to include one such tank is possible?

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My suggestion was to simply add another room to each planet.


Each room could even be FROM the planet.



On the appartment level there are some door on the opposite side of the hallway. Copy the empty middle room to one or more of them, place a Jedi or droid inside.



There are plenty of unused doors here. Pick one, copy Yuka laka's shop, remove him and droids as well as any loose debris. Add a 'Kolto tank' or three.



I have not yet figured out where to place the medical facility here. Any ideas?



There is an unused door across from the czerka store. My suggestion for the medical facility her would be a copy of the academy itself. You could place a desk where you usually see Uthar 'sitting'. The tank room could be where you find the dueling room normaly. Surgery could be in the interogation room with an aditional tank replacing the cell.


Edit: if this idea for Korriban is too much. Maybe you could borrow a room from the Leviathan?



Here it could be placed in the Kolto packaking room. A room that could pe put to much better use. A few beds and a few tanks.


*** ***

That is as far as i've gotten with my IDEA so far. This thread is a suggestion for other modders to pick up on. Maybe a team of you could make it happen.

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The problem with some of these is that the doors you are speaking of aren't really considered doors, it's part of the wall, so to speak. As far as I know, you'd have to edit the .mdl of the module by removing the part where the door is and then create a little hallway, like you have in almost every area where you can enter home's and such. Then you can add a real door by giving in the coordinates. It's much more work than you think, if that's how you would do this.

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Ummmm. Did you miss this part?


(That is as far as i've gotten with my IDEA so far. This thread is a suggestion for other modders to pick up on. Maybe a team of you could make it happen.)



I'm an advisor, at most. My skills are less than 1% of what is needed for this. The entire entire thread i basically a suggestion for the modders out there that DO have the skills to do this.

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It would just make sense to me, and probably others, there beeing medical facilities on the world you're going to. Relying only on the various med suplies you bring with you is not very realistic.


PS: Couldn't the back room of the czerka store on Korriban be altered to med-bay or something? It's not being used for something, if the things in there can be removed, there would be room for two tanks and a bed in there.

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