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Skip Endar Spire and / or early Jedi mod - please help


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About a year ago, I had downloaded a mod that skipped the Endar Spire level, and also made your character a level 1 jedi of your choice. when the mod began, you went up the proper number of levels and were givin a short saber of a random color.


Now, I don't remember where I had downloaded the mod from, or if it is still avaliable on the net. I would like to find this mod again, or a similiar mod. All I require of it is:


1 - skips the endar spire ONLY


2 - makes you a jedi once on Taris


All I remember of the mod is this:


When Trask runs into the room, he morphs into a bald old guy, who tells you that you must escape and that no one must know he had been training you as a jedi in secret. You are givin a choice of what type of jedi you want to be and are then warped to Taris. After the dream, you get the Level Up notification and are givin a short lightsaber.


If someone knows where I can find this mod, a link is greatly appreicated.


I tried the Super Skip Taris mod and while it DOES skip the Endar Spire, I'd like to run around Taris as a Jedi as well.


I would be just as happy with a mod that makes you a jedi from the beginning of the game.


All help is very much appreicated.

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Would this mod work for you?


This is the readme:



You wake up look all confused and trask walks

in to talk to you. He grants you jedi status

and sends you on your way.


Once on the planet surface you level up and

recieve some items that you would have normally

gotten on the spire.


This is for all you that have played the game

before and want to start as a jedi right from

the get go.


If you want it PM me and i'll send it to you.


I am pretty sure i have a couple other mods that do something similar. I'll take a look in my files, if i find something i'll EDIT this post with info about it.

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