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Dark Side mob


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I wanted some help in constructing DS party but first of all: Hello everyone!


I just finished playing KotOR II , and I must say that the end was kinda anti-climatic. All of the final battles were easy as hell.

Darth Nihilius ( or whats his name ), who's supposedly so powerful that normal people nothing more than dust for him and he eats stars for breakfast and s**ts out galaxy's, was beaten in merely 10 seconds.

Same thing with "immortal" uber-sith lord Sion.

Darth Traya provided some challenge, but was beaten easily ( I was actually happy when she summoned lightsabers, it made things more interesting ). In these fights I almost didn't use medpacks and didn't have the need for stimulants or shields.


Thou I played KotOR I about 3 years ago and cannot remember almost anything from there, I do remember the epic fight against Malak, running aroung, using shields and stimulats (for the very first time in the game), barely managing to kill him. The victory was really rewarding.


Also, I must add that there were almost no brick-s**tting plot twists and events in the game.



Anyway, that was my short introduction and to the forum, now to my question.


I'm playing again as a Dark Sided consular.

What I want is to make all of my companions dark jedi. I read the influence guide on the starwarsknigts.com and I didn't like it at all.

Also I absolutely in no way want a dirty wookie hanging out on my ship >:[ (freaking hate them... and all of the aliens with there disgusting languages) , I want Mira, and I want her to become dark jedi!

Also note that since I already finished it once, I'm willing to use cheats to archive this.


I understand that I could've lurked for hours and maybe found answers on my own, but please bear with me, I already spent couple of hours reading intresting stuff here but I don't want to waste any more time ;)

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Hello, bud. Welcome to LF!


I'm playing again as a Dark Sided consular.

What I want is to make all of my companions dark jedi. I read the influence guide on the starwarsknigts.com and I didn't like it at all.

Then try it here.


Also I absolutely in no way want a dirty wookie hanging out on my ship >:[ (freaking hate them... and all of the aliens with there disgusting languages) , I want Mira, and I want her to become dark jedi!

Also note that since I already finished it once, I'm willing to use cheats to archive this.


Refer to the same link I provided for this OR... Just pay a visit to Nar Shadaa early on the game and stay Lightsided until there. After she joins ya, just be an real as$.

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