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[TSL] The Nar Shadaa Sith Academy

Darth Payne

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I was just finishing another playtrough of K2 when an idea hit me.


The idea was for a hidden academy for sith on Nar Shadaa using both sections of nar shadaa as well as parts of the trayus academy.


The location hit me when i remembered an area on the nar shadaa docks i could not acces no matter what i did. I could see it using force sight as well as see it on the map when i'd cleared the map enough. The location is just past the twi'lek Fassa(i think that's his name), but before you get to the location of the hutt.


Since i don't remember that area being used for anything i thought it would make a decent location for some sith not allied with the either Sion or Nihilus to be hiding from them.


Heck, it's even a good place for a recruit mod.


PS: There where two locations that helped me see more of this place.

1: Just out side the location of the bith. If you walk right up to the wall and then walk along it the map would show parts of a location i could not get to.

2: Find the doors that lead no where on the wall near fassa(there are two of the doors), walk right up to them and the map will show you even more of it.


I would love to see that location used for something though. If there are mods already out there, would it be possible to get some links?

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