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Hi sorry if this is breaking the rules but I am writing a new fan fic called TIME SPAN, and I wanted people to see my fic progress, starting with my written prologue. I have started writing this because I was actually pretty fond of making a fic for my title suggestion and story for K3 that I posted in the unknown regions.

So here is the prologue, hope u like it. btw I posted here as well because I am gonna create a mod some time where u can meet the characters from this.






''It's ready... it's actually finally operational, I CAN NOW DO IT'' shouted a rather... metal sounding voice.

Out of a shadow came a large cloaked black figure laughing a deep cyborg laugh. Then his laugh was broke by the sound of blaster fire, the republic had arrived. A sith apprentice ran in the room, '' My lord, they are here, you must hide the machine. They are here to destroy it and kill you. We must evacuate the troops, we are highly outnumbered - ''

'' Do I sense a hint of desperation and mercy, weak one... because I certainly hope not '' The figure interrupted.

'' N - N - No my lord. I am sorry my lord I - I - I ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH''

The figure was slowly force choking the apprentice.

'' I will deal with them, for I am Darth 360 and my plan will NOT fail, muahahahahahahahaha''

The cloak flew off and there was a man with metal all around him with small parts of skin and dry blood. He held out his metal hand and 8 other arms came out of the hand, which was now a huge arm. The same with his other hand. He drew 16 red lightsabers, laughed, and went to battle...

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I will post chapter 1 then you won't hear anything until the full thing is complete. I hope you like chapter 1


Chapter 1 - The Alpha Rogue Squad

'' WHAT THE HELL IS THAT'' Shouted a member of the Alpha Rogue Squad, called Makapede.

'' That, my friend, is unfortunately a sith lord we need to kill, but these droids are holding us up,'' said the Alpha Rogue Squad leader, named Mallauk

'' THAT'S A BLOODY SITH LORD, OH MY GOD, THIS IS A SUICIDE MISSION. HE HAS SIXTEEN LIGHTSABERS'' roared a member of the Alpha Rogue Squad, named Jegorn.

'' Oh shut your whining, we'll find a weakness somehow... I think. Let's go.'' Said the strongest of the squad, BloodFix.

They headed out and shot their way past the droids. Then as they saw Darth 360 come closer they realised he was bigger than all of them put together. They got out their thermal detonators but Darth 360 smiled and force pushed them far away from their hands. Mallauk drew a purple lightsaber, and the rest of the squadron gasped.

'' We never knew you was a jedi, what the hell happened dude, I thought we were buddi -'' began Bloodfix.


Bloodfix, Makapede and Jegorn all fought while giving Mallauk a dirty look every 10 minutes. Mallauk sliced off a part of skin where the heart was supposed to be on Darth 360. Darth 360 roared deeply and ran.

'' Come on, let's catch him, quick.'' shouted Mallauk.

'' No, it is not our battle for him yet, first we need to know a few things...'' said Jegorn.

'' Yes, come on, let's hear the story about you becoming a jedi.'' said Bloodfix.

'' Oh and don't forget to tell us about why you hid it for so long'' said Makapede.


'' We have perfect time, now come on, we are going back to HQ to have a little chat...'' said Bloodfix.

Then a group of 54 sith lords surrounded the republic fleet. There was no way to run.

'' Oh for pete sake, just what we need, a bunch of sith losers who have met their final hours.'' Bloodfix frustatedly shouted, '' We're not dropping this Mallauk, we will find - UH''

Bloodfix was dragged off by a sith lord in a ship.

''BLOODFIX, NO'' The team shouted.

'' Come on, we are no match for fifty four sith lords, not with blasters anyway...'' Mallauk said.

Mallauk threw Jegorn and Makapede each a blue lightsaber. They were now really confused. They gave Mallauk puzzled looks.

''What, you don't need to be a jedi to weild a lightsaber, man'' Mallauk shouted.

They all ignited their sabers and the sith lords came swarming at them. They were slashing down each sith lord one by one, and Mallauk felt really impressed. Jegorn and Mallauk went unconsious. Now Makapede wondered how he would kill 28 remaining sith without them. Darth 360 suddenly jumped out and sliced Makapede's arm off and Makapede fell unconsious. After what was 6 hours of unconsiousness, Makapede woke up in a large dark room, he noticed that BloodFix and his friends were lying next to him, still unconsious. He nudged them until they woke up. BloodFix was screaming in pain, as now was Makapede. It seemed they both had their arms severed.

'' HUSH. Be quiet, or I will inflict more pain.'' croaked a metal voice.

A figure came out of a shadow and in the figure's place was Darth 360. Metal now covered the patch where Mallauk had cut off the skin.

'' Now, my friends, why don't I tell you my plans and you can think out a way to stop me. Actually, NO I WON'T, but I will be as fair to give you a clue, Mandalorian war time travel. Codename MWTT. Try figuring out what I mean, but you never will. MUAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.''

Darth 360 jumped out of the window and headed back to the battlefield.

Bloodfix began to speak, '' Well that was quite an easy clue. He wants to time travel back to the mandalorian wars to make sure he wins.''

'' But that is impossible isn't it, I mean, that has never been done.'' Said both Makapede and Mallauk.

'' Ah, but he could of found a way to time travel. Malt particles, Hang particles and Magnus particles combined make a particle collomidrum, which, combined with a gorin particle, gives you a time machine. So, basicly, he has built a time machine. Although he is very, very patient. A time machine can take up to 16 years to build.'' Explained Jegorn.

'' But anyway, let's get back to HQ and get healed up, I am in so much pain. Oh, and while we're at it we can talk about you Mallauk. Hey, I did say I wasn't gonna drop it.'' Said BloodFix.

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