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Mask problems...

Darth Xander

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Hey people I have run into a small problem, I'll cut te rubbish. I have made a mask which has its own custom texture and icon. But when I equip the maskk my game crashes :(!


I will number what I did and could someone let me knwo what I missed out and how I can fix it.


1. I extracted the mdl and mdx files of the mask

2. Extracted the icon and texture of the mask

3.Made the item and set the model variation to 15.

4. Reskinned the mask and name it i_mask_015

5. reskinned the icon and named it ii_mask_015

6.hex-edited the mdl file ane replaced "I_NeuralBand2" with"I_XanderMask"


Sorry if this isn't very specific cos I am half awake-asleep lol.

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Sorry I didn't understand that.


ane replaced "I_NeuralBand2" with"I_XanderMask"


What Kha mend is you're 1 letter short .


If you replace a name in a .mdl ( via Hex-edit ) , you need to replace it with the exact same lenght .


So if you have a name with 6 letters in the .mdl , you need to replace that with an other word with 6 letters .


I_NeuralBand2 has 13 places / letters


I_XanderMask has only 12 places / letters .


So add a 1 or something .

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