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[WIP] The Handmaiden Identity (2.0)

Ferc Kast

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I decided to go back & fix my error of a mod named The Handmaiden Identity. :drama: Most of the textures are done; I only need to test them in game and/or tweak the textures.


Here's my first screenshot of it:



However, if there are colors you'd like to see in this, don't hesitate to tell me. I will try to post more screenshots up later today.

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It will add more clothes variations for Handmaiden to equip; I wasn't planning on incorporating the Handmaiden Look mod. Cut short, I'm making more clothes for the last of the Handmaidens.



Because I don't want to replace her clothes columns (for mod compatibility), I am replacing her modelk/texk (armored flight suit) columns to be the driving force of this mod.

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