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Model Problems.

Darth Xander

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Hi I have encountered a problem when making my own version of Lord Revan's Mask. I was wondering can it be fixed and if so can it be fixed by hex-editing the mdl file?


I would try to edit the ASCII format .mdl ( the one you get when just exported the model )


Look for the name of Mask Mesh and then look for position .


You'll see a row of 3 numbers ( X, Y, Z )


Try to alter the Z value slightly and then compile it to BIN .


This an example of Lightsaberhilt :




If your in doubt , check out the Z value in G-Max and the shift the comma or point to places to the left .


For example : Z value for the Mask in G-Max is 100,00


Shift the comma two places and fill this number in the ASCII => 1.0


Hope this might help !

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Sorry Quanon but I still don't get it.


BTW the Z co-ordinate is 0.0


Okay , uh ?


You made this model kinda yourself or did you use a model out of the Game and just reskinned it ?


And somehow K1 is popping it up ?


Did you use ResetXform with and without Saving Pivotpoints ?


Just tell me your steps you did ? This could really help to determine the problem.

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I didn't involve GMAX or 3DSMax all I did is extracted v_revmask1_dur.mdl and v_revmask1_dur.mdx then i renamed them to i_mask_060 (which is the model var of my mask which I already made). I didn't edit the files in any way.


Ah , Okay :)


Sorry ,must have miss read your post .


Dang , I'm not sure what to do with that , I think its very hard to edit this in Hex , near impossible ...


I'm baffaled myself . Is this mask avaible in the standard game as an item ?


Or is it only used in Cut-scénes and all ?

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That models' position needs to be moved down relative to it's aurora base. You'll need mdlops and Max/Gmax. Quanon's way would work too(using mdlops), it'll take some trial and error. Also there are two Revan's masks in the game, a female and a male versions. The "reveal" cutscene did not use the mask inventory slot. I don't know the mechanics of that scene but the position of the mask works according to how Bioware set it up.

Mono Giganto released these a while back but may not be available due to PCGamemods being DOA. I did the same thing myself but never released them. I have working models if your interested, unless you'd rather take a crack at it yourself. I can barely work Gmax so it's not that hard to do. I'll defer any Gmax Q's to Quanon. ;)

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So what z coordinate would be reasonable?


Well , the thing I would do is this :


Take another full-mask ( I think theres one called Sith or something ) of TSL or Kotor1 and look up the Z coords .


Its a simple import , look up the Z value , note it down .

Close that scéne .


Then import your Revan-Mask , change its Z value to what you noted down .


Export , compile with MDlops and have a test run .

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