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[TSL] Simple (?) mod request for respawning enemies


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I really wish that there was a mod for KOTOR 2 so that some of the native enemies on each planet would spawn on a timer, so as to give players spots to level up at for a while if we felt like it. However I would prefer a delay between each spawn of maybe 30 seconds to a minute or so, and possibly even a random number of enemies between say 2 and 5 per spawn wave. And it would be great if there were maybe 2 or 3 sets of respawning enemies spread in different areas of the chosen area. I don't really want higher enemies like dark jedi for this, but just the native inhabitants of each planet maybe.


Areas I think would be perfect for this include any open "field" type areas such as Telos restoration zone or even Dxun Jungle. It would be great if at least one area per planet (except maybe Nar Shadaa) offered this option for "MMO" type level grinding to players. I would attempt this myself but I would screw it up real good probably, or not even be able to get started. I love The Sith Lords, it just needs more combat level grinding at times.

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Not sure if anyone will care to try this or not, but I had a couple more ideas for it. It would be fine with me if existing areas were simply used for the respawning, but even cooler probably would be if a brand new wide open area was added to each planet for this. I wouldn't even mind if it looked just like the area it is connected to and had nothing but the respawning enemies in it.


Along with that it would maybe be cool if each spawn point had a different type of enemy to accomodate characters of different levels grinding on the planet. You know maybe a spot with some weaker (level 12 or so enemies), a spot with some medium (level 18 enemies), and a spot for high level characters (level 25 to 30 enemies). Or maybe even designate certain planets to be better for lower, medium, or high level characters by only including enemy spawn points of the appropriate levels (put this info in the readme). That way you could sort of pick how strong a challenge you wanted by simply camping the appropriate spot or visiting a certain planet. Maybe one particular planet could even be labeled (in the readme or something I guess) as having the most difficult spawns at levels 30 and above or something...maybe dark jedi would need to be used after all for some of this Lol.

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One possibility for an enemy spawning point is the sith temple on Dxun.


There is also the eternal XP point in the Testing Tomb on Korriban, at where you find a dead jedi called Nebe-something. After searching the body, two Hsiss appear, you can repeat this until you reach level 50.


The Korriban one can get a bit tedious.


Edit: One thing that should probably be added to this mod if it gets made is a limit to how many enemies/creatures can spawn per spawn point.


Say, 100 or so.

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Yeah, I have read about that experience corpse point on Korriban but I am really not interested in doing that. As you said it could be a bit tedious, not to mention it wouldn't feel very natural and would confine you to one small place on one planet with no kind of variance at all. Also it would only happen when you force it yourself.


I would really appreciate it if someone with experience modding TSL could reply and give an idea of how difficult they think it would be to make this mod. I was under the impression it could be pretty simple, especially if it is simply a matter of attaching scripts to existing enemies on certain planets. Or even adding new ones in new areas (using existing game maps of course.) Thanks in advance to anyone who can offer some kind of help with this...

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Yeah, I have no doubt many of us players with little ability to mod TSL would love to have this feature. Especially since with the difficulty mods available we can set our game balance to about any desired challenge now. It's the kind of mod that would go SO well with many other mods (such as a possible force regen mod :)) and with the game's level 50 cap, and it's the main reason I joined the forum Lol. I've thought about it a long time. A couple times I have started up the KOTOR mod tool to give it a shot myself, but unfortunately this isn't the NWN toolset and I find myself very unsure of how to even begin.


I hold out hope that someone will give us a hand or something. And if someone does, I would request they try to ensure compatibility with Stoffe's High Level Force Powers mod and any others that I use to make the game a little cooler, heh.

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