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"Treachery of Women" Quote


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I should just fire up the game again and play through it until I reach this point again, but thought I'd ask here just in case someone knows the game that much by heart and can supply me with an answer. Forgive my seeming lack of knowledge of the game...I have played it from beginning to end three times over, but it has been a few years since I last did!


Anyway, on to the questions:


What is the name of the character that Manny finds working in a roadside diner, mopping the floors? I believe this guy is one of the first souls he deals with, if memory serves, though I could be wrong...as I said, forgive me.


And, more importantly, Manny and that guy have a talk, and in that dialogue, the other guy says something like this: "Is there no greater constant than the treachery of women?" Is that the exact quote there? If not, can anyone provide that exact line, by any chance?


Thanks for any help you may be able to give. It is appreciated.

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His name is Celso, and the quote is:

"Oh, Manny. Is there a greater constant in nature than the treachery of women?"


I used this to find the exact quote: http://www.google.nl/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fdod.dotagame.com%2Fmedia%2Fscript%2Fgf_script.doc&ei=FUaeR-TIF4S2wAHa2eDKBw&usg=AFQjCNEgtSjttRoyZP3pQcmRqhpOH7fg_g&sig2=8NvNpRrH97ZTqMslP5v21w


Thus, credits to James Isaac, who is also on this board.


And of course welcome to the forum!

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Thank you very much for looking it up as well as posting. Just after I posted, I of course found other material on the site that reminded me of the name of the character, but I still did not have the quote, though I looked around for resources that might have it.


I'm not a misogynist or anything, by the way...I just have this memory of that line in the game as one of the more standout ones in the way it is delivered/acted, and wanted to remember it correctly!


Thanks again; much appreciated.

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Sorry for the vocabulary word up above. There'll be a test later! (I do teach English!)


It has been a while since revisiting this game...I might have to load it up sometime. I love the Art Deco look, the characters, the voice acting, the music, the story...pretty much everything...except the treachery of women! (Hee hee)

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well manny is betrayed by quite a few women;


and one gotta understand yer love fer the game, which im sure is shared by many others (including meself), which is the reason for these forums still running on a 10 year old game. sadly sometimes the love fer a game ain't enough and i recently discovered the shutting down of worldofmi.com.

(how's the teacher like ma grammar ;) )

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My screen name here is the same as my Xbox Live gamertag. I recently used the camera for the Xbox to make a picture of Manny my little display picture/avatar for Xbox Live.


I got a message last night from someone on my friends list who wrote, "Grim Fandango? WHY?"


I wrote back because it is my favorite PC game ever. From there we got into this back and forth messaging war. He went off on how point and click games are boring and dumb by their nature, that the art style of Fandango, Psychonauts, Bioshock, and other games is very "offputting," and so on.


Grrr...disparaging Fandango is blasphemy. Yeah, you're not frantically shooting down spaceships or something, but come on...story, art design, voice acting, and humor don't matter?



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My screen name here is the same as my Xbox Live gamertag. I recently used the camera for the Xbox to make a picture of Manny my little display picture/avatar for Xbox Live.


I got a message last night from someone on my friends list who wrote, "Grim Fandango? WHY?".....



wow that´s strange! Funny though, my sister started playing yesterday again after a 3years break and she told me today tha she almost skipped work to play more Grim Fandango! Looks like everybody got his own little point of view.

I am so glad that I could play it and I dont regret any second I spent on GrimFandango payling it or doing some weird cards,T shirts and so on :D

Long rest Grim fandango!

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