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I thought this is an off topic disscussion!

Delphi's Clone

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Guest Boba Rhett

What are you talking about? All I did was move your RA2 posts from the GB forum to this one. The're still here as far as I know.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

I can tell by your posts Rhett. I think you should talk to Chris about adding another mod. That would take some of the work away. Ahh Chris will probably say theres enough mods but its worth a try Rhett:)


P.S. Im not saying it should be me but Im saying we do need another one to help clear up the forums.:)

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Guest Boba Rhett

Leon will be back soon to help. Just a few more days. And the bad day isn't because of what happened on the forums. Although that didn't help either. :D


Oh, and thanks for the masseuses. Can I keep them? :D

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