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(K1) A return to Taris


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I'm not sure if anyone's requested this before, but I'll say it anyway.


After reading the Wookiepedia page on Taris (shortly after having played the level for the first time in KOTOR), I thought that a return to Taris would be a great idea for a mod.


Shortly after their escape, the surface of Taris was annihilated during the Sith's orbital bombardment. Though it was believed the Outcasts in the Undercity and some of the Lower City citizens might have survived the destruction, the vast majority of the inhabitants on the world's surface were killed, save for Revan and his comrades who had just escaped, and the notorious bounty hunter Calo Nord.


You could even use the existing modules, obviously with some modifications. And you could do quests like helping the civilians, rebuilding homes, restoring order, helping citizens evacuate, etc. Maybe even visit your Undercity friends in the 'promised land'.


I don't have enough time at present to do this, nor do I have the skill required. But someone or a team of people could make this. And it would be good.

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