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end of the world


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how do you think the world is going to end? i think a meter might like hit the surface (giant meteor i mean) and eventually kill us. it was on history channel. it hits virtually everything dies even if u do survive there would be no plants and nothing to eat. some mice like wayyyy under in the earth might live through it tho.


star explosion/ metor/ black hole/ galaxy colission: 2

nuculear war: 2

extra terrestrials: 1

diese: 1

rapture: 2


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First of all the sun idea is out of the question; Im sorry but I have to do this.


Let's go through the phases of a star. The first phase would be the protostar when the star in human comparisons would just be a fetus, the second would be the intial fusion ignition when the star would just be a infant/teenager, the third phase would be the main sequence when the star is a adult (that is the state in which our sun is in right now), the fourth phase is when the star becomes a red giant/supergiant, now it is in it's middle age (by this time the human race is extinct and has been extinct for a long time), the fifth phase is when the star becomes a white dwarf, it is now a old person and lastly the sixth phase is when the star becomes a black hole, the star has died and is consuming up the solar system and destroying it.


I don't want to sound like an a^*hole but I seriously hate when people say that the end of our (humans little lala world) world will be done by the sun; we wont be here to see it happen. I seriously think that we will do ourselves in with a nuclear bomb. Listen to Einstein: "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought with, but I do know what weapons World War IV will be fought with; sticks and stones."

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Humanity as we know it now, ends by the flu. Sentient organic life on earth, by either flu or nuclear war. The earth itself... by being eaten by the sun when the sun enters a new phase of it's "life" as a star.


The universe.... the big squish.

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Humanity as we know it now, ends by the flu. Sentient organic life on earth, by either flu or nuclear war. The earth itself... by being eaten by the sun when the sun enters a new phase of it's "life" as a star.


The universe.... the big squish.


um so... 1 for diese 1 for war, one for space stuff?

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