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func_door - bridge problem


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Lo all,


well I've pretty much blocked out my map, and I'm now implementing doors, poors etc


I've come to a main part of my map where the player needs to navigate an immense drop by hitting switches and activating "bridges" that come out of the walls to allow the player to descend carefully.


Anyway, I'm having some major trouble with my bridge. The brush is a func_door, and it comes out at the right speed, to the right angle, but either stops way too short of where I want it to stop, or way, way out, leaving a great big hole in the wall with plenty of mojo graphic glitching.


Please see the below image to get a feeling of what I mean.


GTK Topdown


The gap between the wall and the red line Ive drawn in is about 344 units wide. Now Ive tried lip -344, and that just offshoots, and Ive tried 344, and that stops at the purple line. So what am I doing wrong?


Help appreciated :(

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Cheers, I'll have a bash. I changed the length of the bridge in the vain hope it'd still hold some of the bridge in the gap after the movement, but nein, just moves it further.


I'll have another crack now and get back.




Okay, I've tried -344, -300, -688, -700, 700, -1, -0.5


and they either go into the hole, or go way, way off into the opposite wall. I'm finding it frustrating now, erp.


edit 2:


okay, I managed to fix it. because of the lip you can see on the interior wall that forms part of the bridge, it was taking this into account. So I removed the lip and the bridge works as expected :)


cheers for your help man

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