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[K1] Malak ignores me on the Leviathan (potential spoilers)


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I'm sure someone's glad that my Leviathan bug isn't the infamous airlock one...


Anyway, I have had no trouble with the Leviathan until after I kick Malak's butt the first time and he runs away. I didn't try to talk to the stunned Carth or Bastila, I just went after him in the non-cheating way. I fight him and beat him like normal, and instead of loading the proper dialog, Carth and Bastila come back to life and have their conversation from the beginning of the Leviathan area when you decide who is going to rescue your party (only with over half of the options missing). Malak then refuses to acknowledge my presence, and when I speak to Carth, he will only talk about Dustil. I tried raising my security to 100 and just leaving, and everything seemed okay (Carth was where he should be and Bastila was gone), but the game freezes on a black screen right after the cutscene of the Ebon Hawk escaping.


I'm pretty sure one of my mods is causing this, but I'd kind of like to avoid doing a mass clean-out, because the last time I cleared it out and reinstalled a few things, it screwed up a bunch of stuff and I had to start over. I'm using these major mods; Super Skip Taris (doubtful that it's causing this, but a possibility), Recruitable Kay, Carth Romance, Athena Too, the Jedi Royal Guard, and a neat little mod that lets me skip those annoying turret minigames. Anyone know what I should do to fix this problem? I'm really sorry if the answer's blatently obvious; I've never tried doing serious modding on anything but robes and heads.

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I am actually postive that it's the Kay thing.


Not sure I could find that. I ran into it last night, i just opened my overide and looked for a .dlg that started with "Lev" and got rid of it. Temporarily.


Was there some way to use Kay on the leviathan?


Yeah that's it vvvvvvv but I think there are some underscores. Long and short it is the .dlg that starts with "lev" and contains "carth"

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I think I recall there being a bug in Carth's dialogue with Recruitable Kay as two of his files had the same name. You need to save before the Malak fight, exit the game, then replace it with the "bug fix" file that can be downloaded with the rest of Recruitable Kay. Either that or you ignore it by removing "lev40carth.dlg" (At least I think that's it, the words may be in a different order) from your Override completely.


Closing thread as this thread has been repeatedly spammed in to prevent further offences. -RH

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