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1.01 patch made everything go to Hell|!

Jade Kan DeLarb

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A young friend of mine wanted me to play JA with him, and as he isn't tech enough yet to apply patches, we just went online and played base JA.


Anyway, he recently lost his game, so I decided I wanted to download some patches with a view to getting back into Moviebattles and stuff.


So I downloaded the 1.01 patch - and now JA is fxxxxd.


I asked tech support and tey sad download NVDIA - but it coudn't find any program to lock onto.


JA runs - after several uninstall/installs - but I can't pick up any games online properly when I tryt o "JOIN A GAME".


Gamespy is no good cos al i get is - "server uses Protocol 26" - which I assume means the 1.01 patch.


I am runing on windows Xp


any advice?



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Saying it's fxxxxd doesn't help much. What errors are you getting. I assume it's a crash, but how does it crash, and are there any messages from the crash. If you have a nvidia card, then you should have the newest nvidia drivers, but if you have an ati card, get their newest drivers instead.

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Hi ACDCfan - thnx 4 replying. I don't get an error message. When it *does* crash - whichit's doing less now - I get the "there was a problem with Jedi Academy Multiplayer do you want to send a error report"? I foloweed that route and gett he NVDIA advice. Sorry, i should have said, I'm not very tech either - I don't even know what a NVDIA card is. <sheesh>. I'm havign trouble gettign info about wha servers I can pla with - I just get loads of white info, no names, all numbers and stuff. But the ones tat are in my favourties, if they're online, they apear in colour. I've tried re-installing a few times - do I need to strip everything off my PC and re-install this game and everythign else?


I was hoping ths waa a comon problem, one that other people would recognise. Al the trouble started when I downloaded the 1.01 patch.


I guess my Xp PC is just grumpy about JA.



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nVidia and ATI are both Video cards. To see what kind video card you have, right click on My Computer and select Properties, then goto the Hardware Tab, and click Device Manager. Finally expand the Display Adaptor tab and it should tell you who made your video card. It should be nVidia, Ati or perhaps Intel if it is an integrated card.

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