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is there a reason to why i cant post in natty's GOD DAMN IT?

i keep getting this message: Hack attempt logged or corrupt member file found with extra fields [17 total]



this is wat i wanted to post:

Originally posted by Max Payne:



must i point the irony here? tongue.gif


Originally posted by Max Payne:

You are a JERK! A nasty piece of work!!!!

Hey it evens rhymes! HAHAHAHA!!!



no it doesnt! rolleyes.gif



Originally posted by Max Payne:

(Inserted by Grannen)

Max Payne

It is now time for you to reconsider your future here

If you continue like this, I'll delete all your future postings until you are banned.



DONT delet his posts its fun to see his desperate attempts to get our attention and try to prove himself a man biggrin.gif


btw, i like what u did witht eh smiles thingy. smart.







Arnold Schwazenegger is the stupidest fucking bastart that ever shoed his fat ass in this forum. COPY MY SIG NOW BITCH! :p

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Originally posted by murta (in GOD DAMN IT!):

I deleted his profile earlier and fixed a problem (that I created cwm20.gif )

Can't really ban him though, 'cos his IP is dynamic and he supplied no e-mail when he signed up


please dont laught but...what does that mean? confused.gif wots a dynamic IP?







Arnold Schwazenegger is the stupidest fucking bastart that ever shoed his fat ass in this forum. COPY MY SIG NOW BITCH! :p

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Originally posted by Al-back from the BigWhoop:

please dont laught but...what does that mean? confused.gif wots a dynamic IP?



It's an IP address that changes everytime the user connects to the net


Originally posted by Natty:

I'm a lil confoozed does someone's profile have a virus on it or something?



No, all problems that occured today were caused by me installing addons and editing forum files

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Guest grannen

Originally posted by Al-back from the BigWhoop:

and how did he manage to get a dynamic IP?



You get an IP-number automaticly when you log in to Internet.

If it is a dial-up modem it will change each time but for instance with a cable modem you'll have the same IP as long as the modem is on line even if you shut down your PC.

You have IP-number on this one.

At other occasions it has been


This is called a Dynamic IP number. You can buy a Static number(-serie) that belongs to you only but that is expensive and normaly only used by companies, institutes etc.


It is possible to trace the IP provider with the help of those numbers but only the first three groups are used. Your own identity cannot be traced by the IP only. smile.gif



Calvin.gifHobbes.gif and Grannen





[This message has been edited by Grannen (edited October 15, 2001).]

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