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Quarren Sith


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I was wandering if someaone can make a rathe unusual mod. I changed the textures of a standard Quarren [i made it all black with metal-like skin] and I realized that is quaite good but unfortunately the model of the body is quite bad; has a terrible litte cloak on the shoulders. So If someone can make this cloak long enought [like that of darth Nihilus] we can use a new sith with a quite terrifying figure.



P.S. If it simpler someone could put a Quarren head on darth Nihilus body.

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Sure, i'll take a look.


I'm a noob myself, however, i'll help if i can.


Might be an interesting look.


Edit: I liked it. However, it looked a little too dark. That might just be the pic itself as i myself had a lot of problems with screenies being too dark.


Also, it was a little difficult to make out any details even after i fixed the lighting so i could actually see the head.


Very nice for a first attempt. I know how difficult such things can be.

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