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[Song fic redone]Until it Sleeps Redux

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As some of you may know, I have already done a song fic on Until it Sleeps, but I was bored so I decided to redo it, only better. The original can be found here. You may wish to read it so you can see the differences for yourself.

The lyrics can be found here. You can find the film clip here. I recommend listening to the song before or while reading it, so you know the tune. Enjoy. :)



Bastila lay in the hospital bed in a severely unstable condition. He blamed himself. Just yesterday he warned her not to go down to the lower levels of Coruscant, but he let her anyway. "What could possibly happen?" He thought to himself, but it did, the unthinkable happened.

As he was working through those events in his mind, he felt a sudden surge of pain throughout his body, like losing a limb. The door opened. Through it came a medical droid. "I'm sorry Revan," it said in a sincere tone, "But your wife Bastila has just passed away. Revan stared at the droid blankly without saying a word for what seemed like eternity until he finally realized what had just been said, and he broke down in tears.


Where do I take this pain of mine

I run but it stays right by my side


So tear me open, pour me out

These things inside they scream and shout

And the pain still hates me

So hold me until it sleeps


Revan was all set to venture to the dark underworld of Coruscant, when he was stopped by none other than the wise Master Vaandar.

"Master Revan, we are all aware of the pain you must be feeling from the lost of Bastila, but hasty decisions will bring you no good, come with me to the Council Chambers, where we will discuss this some more.


Just like a curse, just like a stray

You feed it once and now it stays

Now it stays


So tear me open, but beware

Theres things inside without a care

And the dirt still stains me

So wash me until Im clean


"Master Revan," spoke the ever grouchy Master Vrook, "I hear that you wish to venture to the underworld, where few dare tread, these moves you seek to do, they are too hasty, we must bide our time. Do you think that you can justify the actions you seek?"

"Yes, I believe I can," there was some hesitancy in his voice, "This sudden departure of Bastila has left a hole in me, something that I cannot fill with anything. Imagine someone grabbing your heart, your soul, and dipping it acid, leaving nothing but a fragile, pale shell, a shell that hurts you physically and mentally, with every breath you take." Tears started to stream down Revan's face, he sat in his chair as the other Council members, talked amongst themselves. After a brief period, Master Dorak spoke, "I am afraid that does not justify what you seek to do, you are hereby banned by the Council to leave the upper levels of Coruscant, there will be someone watching your every move, to stop you from doing something stupid.

Revan walked away, his heart shattered...


It grips you so hold me

It stains you so hold me

It hates you so hold me

It holds you so hold me

Until it sleeps...


Revan walked out of his apartment, his watcher unconscious against the wall. He took the elevator down to the "Abyss", or so it is known as. He made his way through the cess pit wich some call their home, occasionally giving a few credits to beggars. He was searching for the place where he felt this strong dark energy emitting from. He soon found it in the form of a small temple of sorts. There was a small woman sitting in the middle of the room. He walked up to her, within 2 metres; she shot up and pushed him away with the force.

"Revan, I was starting to wonder if you'd ever show up." She spoke with a straight voice, no hint of an accent.

"This world is mine, even if you don't join me; I am still powerful enough to control this insolent planet."

“I WILL NEVER JOIN THE DARKSIDE!! NEVER AGAIN!!” Revan’s voice was stern, he was ready.

“So be it,” said the woman, “I will have to destroy YOU!!”


So tell me why you've chosen me

Dont want your grip

Dont want your greed

Dont want it


Ill tear me open, make you gone

No more can you hurt anyone

And the fear still shakes me

So hold me until it sleeps


She ignited her crystal red lightsaber and attacked. He dodged at the last second, but was greeted by an unwelcome surprise when she ignited the other end of her lightsaber, almost cutting Revan’s head off. There was a slight pause before he sweeped for legs, she jumped over him, giving hjer time to plan her next attack, Revan turned sharply to see a lightsaber flying through the air, straight at his head. Revan leaped to the back of the room while her lightsaber returned to her.

"You don't know how much pain you've caused me. I don't care if I’m possessed or if I just want vengeance, you shall pay!"


It grips you so hold me

It stains you so hold me

It hates you so hold me

It holds you, holds you, holds you

Until it sleeps...


She leaped at Revan, he parried, she kept attacking, all the while Revan was on the back foot. He decided it was time for some Force trickery; he picked her up and blasted her into the wall on the other side of the room. She jumped back to her feet.

“Release your anger Revan!! Only then will you see how powerful you truly are!”

"You want to crack my shell and see what anger's inside. You will see nothing but a lust for revenge!"


So tear me open, but beware

The pains inside without a care

And the dirt still stains me

So wash me til I’m clean


Revan blasted her into the wall once again, “It is time for you to pay!” She lifted her hand into the air, lighting the room with a bright flash. The light cleared, but all Revan could see was Bastila.

“Bastila?” He asked. She punched him in the stomach.

“C’mon, hit me.” She taunted.

“Bastila, you know I could never hurt you.” She punched him in the stomach again.

“You didn’t have any trouble there atop of the Rakatan Temple. You’re weak, you always have been, mindgames will be your downfall!”


Ill tear me open, make you gone

No longer will you hurt anyone

And the hate still shakes me

So hold me until it sleeps


“HIT ME!!” Revan shook his head.

"So be it." She punched Revan in the gut. As Revan looked up, she saw the Sith woman there again.

"Goodnight Revan." Revan sprinted up the stairs in the middle of the room, where he saw it, Bastila’s body, Revan knelt down beside it, and cried. His head in his hands, a lightsaber, went through his skull, instant darkness. He saw an ever-fading light, as his world plunged to darkness.

To this day, you can see Revan’s final words inscribed in the exact place he died in.

“Bastila, I’m sorry...”


Until it sleeps...




Once again, please leave comments, there's nothing more annoying than having over 100 views and less than 20 replies. Reply peoples, post your thoughts on the story. Thank you.

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