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replacing Goto..whit a Rodian mercenary.. :D


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yeah iv got an idea a mod that will replace G0-T0 i am not really a fan of recruiment mods but its time to get rid of goto its starting to annoy me


(no offence to G0-T0 fans :) if there are eny :D )


something special.. yeah sure i have seen other kind of recruiments it allways changes to a jedi.. jedi here jedi there ok i know that this is a star wars game but it dosent mean that everybody has to have a lightsaber duh..


yeah a mercenary of some sort..Iv got it!! a Rodian Mercenary that worked for the exchange and managed to escape to the ebon hawk *spoilers*


Before the Goto ship explodes to million of bits.. yeah and would have

''rodian sounds'' in Dialogs when he talks and fights and some kinda back story and dialogs as much as normal party memebers just example: how did you go to work for goto and so forth..

dosent seem hard for a right modder :D


BTW the rodian would look different than the npc one:


Skincolor: same as normal rodian

Spacesuit: gray/black/brown

and belts : gray

and pathside: i guess neutral/light or something cos hes repenting what he did and so on


SOUNDS GOOD ! ! ! :D :D :D :D for my point of view ! ! !

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hmmm.. yes i know how you are talking about SuperSaiyanZolo..

but i was kinda thinking about a Ex-thug of the Exchange somesorte of a mercenary who is kinda sorry for what he did and kinda wanna prove his loyalty serving the exile and maeby in time some people may forget him or forgive him..


and maeby he would have sidequest or something but the basic idea of this is that he can't be made in a jedi no jedi rodian ok!? :D just a mercenary and by class a soldier.. cos i kinda dont like it that 80% of the party in TSL is like jedi werent they kinda extinct at that time it sound kinda stupid that an jedi exile has a master and then like about 4 padawans (an i am not insulting or offending but it is like that ) :D

whit rodian male talk voice and rodian fighting sounds and a lot of dialogs like for example: were hes origines are from, why did he join the Exchange and what are hes interest example:

like disiple whant the republic to be safe same for G0-T0 kinda of..

and so forth..

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its kinda cool like idea..

cos i dont like G0-T0 it just a big remote.. btw there is allready bao-dur remote so i dont kinda like when there are flying balls around the place it ruins the game aspects :D so if eny modder is interested to help post here ! ! !


and sorry..i know i just kinda pop whit ideas like in 5 second every day :D even at school,

or even by my girlfriend but rearly.. xD

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Memarik there are dozens of replacement mods for G0t0. There is even one being worked on right now so G0t0 gets replaced by Atris


Anyway the mod itself isn't as hard as your other requests. You just need to do some scripting and coding along with replacing some UTC files.

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yeah do you know how to do this..? :D


and no offence but you have posted in two different places i have requested

and you have been telling me about this modding stuff and i dont understand enything your saying (no offence really) :D and when you sed they have made dozens of goto replacement mods i have found only two from filefront so if you know more could you tell me.. and BtW Ghost Down sed that the Devaronian head is allready in TSL it only need to transfer in somehow but he sayd it isnt hard...

but YOU decripted..it to be more hard to make so in the end i dont know do you even know what you are talking about? :D or whos judgement should i listen..? ist just that i am confused.. (not beeing dramatic xD )

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