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Jedi Academy Help, Please?


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Recently, I decided to reinstall Academy and beat it again. But, on the first level, every time Rosh jumps to the area with the second tree you are supposed to cut down, he dies. This problem has never occurred before, when I first beat it, and I have no idea what could have caused it. Any help would be appreciated.


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I've had that happen once or twice myself. It seems like it's an unintentional bug, but doesn't crop up every single time you go through the map. Ensure your game is patched and whatnot, and if it's still causing you major distress you should be able to skip to the next level ('cutscene' really) by typing "map academy1" in the console (can someone confirm that? I'm at work and don't have access to my PK3's </3).

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yeah,this happens,but what i do is when the howlers attack,i just leave rosh,alone and run past the next tree,which you have to saber and then jump then continue on,suddenly rosh gets past that spot without dying on his own,its silly but it works everytime.at least for me.

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