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Harbinger Texture Names


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Hola mates.


quick question here, i've gone over the filepacks in kotor Tool for TSL and i am damned if i can find the outside Harbinger Textures, the ones used for the cutscene and Asteroid Exterior.

closest i've got is

*V_Hammrhd01.tga - part is used

*PER_Hammrhd01.tga - NONE is used


both of these are the rght texture look and mapping, however neither use the "frontend" part of teh ship. which is what im trying to update the texture for.


anyhelp finding this texture location and file/filename would be hugely appreciated.

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ah thanks for the offer, but i've jsut checked it out and its Interior only :)


im after the exterior textures for the ship itself


Hmmm, Pavlos and Emporer Devon of the old Team Bantha might know as they were planning a spacebattle so were doing things involving the outside of ships like the Harbinger; dropping them a PM can't hurt they maybe able to help, or point you in the right direction :)

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