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A few ideas. KOTOR 1 and 2. Please?


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The first thing on my mind, I have seen things alot like it but not "enough" for me. I was thinking of mod for feat progression except designed for each specific class (Soldiers and Scouts you know) and it gives you just enough points to fill all unlocked feats depending on level. I know this would take a long time to do and I WOULD do it myself except I just don't know how. The tutorials I see are too "manufactured" for me to follow. I need someone or something to guide me through doing mods like that at least once and I can figure it out from there. But thats besides the point here. And also a similar mod for force feats but the level you get force varies so I'm not worried about that. Another main thing I can't seem to find is a basic silver crystal for KOTOR 1, always has to be something "special" about it. And for KOTOR 1 and TSL if someone could make a black saber crystal. No special status or anything. Just plain black saber crystal that you can find on a body or use "givitem" or whatever.


Anyway if someone can do that for me or point me in the right direction of something that you think is close. I would be very greatful. Plus anyone willing to help me do this stuff myself, please do. My main problem with any game modding is always one thing. I can't find the files to edit. So look into that or don't. :compcry:

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You'll need KotOR tool if your going to do any modding, finding the files is a matter of exploring things. Standard advice tends to be you don't learn to ride a bike by sitting reading, its better to learn by doing. Trust me, I used to be very intimitaded by the whole modding thing and thought it was way beyond me, but in truth its just time and experimenting, Half the battle is taking that first step. My advice would be start with small things like item creation, skinning a saber, then move onto bigger things if your serious about modding. The thing I do, is I download a mod that is similar to what I won't to do and pick it apart to see how they did it.


As for your requests I think Chainz did a blacksaber mod, this is his website; http://www.jumpstationz.com/games/mods/


Hope that is of some help, your requests regards feats etc, I think is a rather large undertaking, hopefully someone will undertake it for you :)

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I have KOTOR Tool and I know HOW to use it but it some things I wanted to do involved other programs and they were impossible to find or the page won't load or whatever. Just small things that don't work out. I took Malaks saber "g_w_lghtsbr06" or something to that effect, and made a copy to be able to customize but when I click it in the work bench, it doesn't open anything, it just stays on your weapon menu. Then when I go back and try to equip it, it and every other modded item in my inventory disappears completely weather its equipped or not. And as I am typing this, I'm also looking at the huge hole in the wall I made a few months ago because of things like that happening in other games I tried to mod. Its just like when your in the middle of something big and important and then it non-lethally explodes in your face without reason. I'm sure I'll figure it out somehow because I did with my other games. But I'm just hoping to find an easier way to start. Not another hole in my wall.


By the way, thanks for the site, thats only like the third I've seen.

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I don't think this should be too hard. The problem is compiling a list of all the feats, the levels you can get them and which apply to which class. I think game banshee should help with this though, they have all the feats listed I think. I will see what I can do.


Would you like the feats to be spaced out so you get them all by the end of the game, or would you like to get them all as early as possible?

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By the way, thanks for the site, thats only like the third I've seen.


In KotOR the sabers are also tied to a couple of .2da's that will need updating (off the top of my head things its upgrades.2da), which is probably why you are getting that problem. Modding, does require patience, end of the day when you get frustrated, just consider that in the grand scheme of things its not that bigeer deal, at least your rich enough to be able to afford a computer which puts you in the minority, most people have for more 'mundane' concerns like getting clean water and where their next meal is coming from.


Helpful websites....


Most of the communities mods are found here; http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/


Here is alternative; http://www.lucasfiles.com/


This thread may also be of help; http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=143413

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