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Atton attack??

Ferc Kast

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(Sorry if this is posted in the wrong forum.) I was looking through some of KotOR II's scripts earlier when I found a script labeled a_102attattack.nss; I'll admit that when I saw the word attack, I got very curious. Upon opening it, I saw:


// a_102attattack
// [b]This causes Atton to attack the player.[/b]
// CFA: 2-12-04

#include "k_inc_debug"

void main()

   //Make Atton attack.
   ClearAllActions ();
   DelayCommand(0.2,ChangeToStandardFaction(GetObjectByTag("Atton"), STANDARD_FACTION_HOSTILE_1));
   DelayCommand(0.2,AssignCommand(GetObjectByTag("Atton"),ActionAttack(GetFirstPC())) );



So, here's my question: When was Atton supposed to attack the Exile? Because I certainly don't remember having Atton attack me before. Was this cut content that has never got re-implemented, yet?

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Yeah that looks like he would attack the exile... well he'll attack the PC but whether the PC is the exile or not is a different matter. Looks like it's a script from Peragus so maybe it is cut content, the player could've been Mira at that stage or a droid or something.



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*is complete n00b, but speculates anyway since it involves Atton*



Maybe it has something to do with Atton turning DS if you have higher influence with the Disciple than with him... Cut-content which I believe will be restired in K2RP:)


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