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[TSL] Cannon Arm


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Crush, I think you need to stop posting threads with different requests. You're abusing your requesting privileges. Put all of your requests in one thread. Also, I'm pretty sure you might be able to ask SithSpecter to add that in URM. Or if that doesn't work out, (it might not because I don't think he's doing weapoon mods, just ammo) just put all this stuff in one thread. You have nine threads on the first page of Modding Requests.


(Uhhh, is there such thing as mini-modding here? I'm just saying what he should do...)

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To make the left arm a cannon would require a massive amount of body mesh editing, which is hard to do, and the whole body would have to be re-mapped, to make it work, plus do a texture for every single PC in the game+darkside transitions. That is an insane amount of work, plus the cannon would just bend when the PC moves his arm. It would still do everything that the normal arm does, and it wouldn't fire blaster bolts. What could be done, though, is to make a gun that 'covers up' part of the arm. It would have to be a pistol and very bulky, though. Sorry this just isn't possible.

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